Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  Tragonis [ Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Shatterspark

Ishkur'el, Angel of the Thunderhead says to you 'Wanderer, welcome may you find Enlightenment in your travels within the Labyrinth. If you are able I am in need of some help.'

[HP:100%] [ME: 81%] [PE:100%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> sa help
You say 'help'

[HP:100%] [ME: 81%] [PE:100%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
Ishkur'el, Angel of the Thunderhead says to you 'Wonderous. I am here due to my vanity and selfishness that I allowed myself to be consumed by the Void and my powers twisted and used against the realms.'
Ishkur'el, Angel of the Thunderhead says to you 'A weapon I once held, the Shatterspark, is the key to restoring my power from the Void. The Twisted One has broken the Shatterspark into three pieces, the scythe, the chain and the orb and hidden them within the maze and labyrinth here. Find them, give them unto the forge, so that Shatterspark may reforge and give it to me. May you find enlightenment in your journey.'

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> give chain for
You give a rusted chain to a small forge.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> get orb ves
You get an orb with broken spikes from a set of holy vestments embroidered with the open gauntlet.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> give or
The sound of a hammer hitting metal rings out like thunder.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> b for
You give an orb with broken spikes to a small forge.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> get scy ves
You get a scorched scythe from a set of holy vestments embroidered with the open gauntlet.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
Sparks fly off the anvil and steam rises from the fountain as you dip the weapon in the cool water.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> give scy forg
You give a scorched scythe to a small forge.

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE: 60%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
The forge flares brightly as you work the bellows.

[HP:100%] [ME: 81%] [PE:100%] [Coins: 11 obsidian, 7 platinum, 6 silver, 3 copper]
> sa I gave all the damn pieces to the forge
You say 'I gave all the damn pieces to the forge'

This quest doesn't seem to want to work either. Maybe an imm or angel can go try out all the quests and see what actually work and what don't.

Author:  Mayra [ Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shatterspark

Tragonis wrote:
This quest doesn't seem to want to work either. Maybe an imm or angel can go try out all the quests and see what actually work and what don't.

This would be very helpful. It is frustrating when you do all the work for a quest and then either it doesn't work or you are stuck after a certain point like the quest in the Dashre monastery.

Author:  Cordance [ Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shatterspark

Ive typo logged the Shatterspark a few times I believe. I have a feeling it is a left over from the GRP surrounding the place.

Author:  Thuban [ Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shatterspark

This one got passed around a few times between immortals who came and went, so it slipped through the cracks. But, it's on the list and we'll ultimately get it working correctly.

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