Shattered Kingdoms |
Parole isn't what it used to be. |
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Author: | Ezeant [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Parole isn't what it used to be. |
Code: [HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 99%] > info Group: Xalgrim's Party (F1) [---------------] (F2) [a vicious minot] (F3) [---------------] (M1) [---------------] (M2) [a frisky squirr] (M3) [---------------] (B1) [---------------] (B2) [ Xalgrim] (B3) [---------------] Characters Rank Pos Here Follow Prone HP ME PE Xalgrim Leader B2 Yes No No 100% 98% 99% A frisky squirrel Member M2 Yes Yes No 100% 100% 99% A vicious minotaur body g Member F2 Yes Yes No 100% 100% 100% [HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 99%] > c gate hatim You start to concentrate. [HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE: 99%] > stand gate It's hot out here. [HP:100%] [ME: 98%] [PE:100%] > You utter the words, 'oahz'. A magical gate materializes in a blinding flash of energy. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE:100%] > You stand up. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE:100%] > Plaza of the Feathered Dragon This plaza, named after the serpentine statue that graces the favorite congregation point of Nerina's citizens. This broad flat plaza is paved with large smooth river stones sculped and laid to provided drainage into iron grates placed at strategic intervals. Located in the center of the plaza is the town well. The plaza is in immaculate repair, and is beautifully maintained. From here one can see the the main roads of the city leading to the north, south, and west. Just to the east there is a steep rise. At the foot of the hill is the public noteboard and off to the side an iron bin. The bustling sound of the city streets can be heard throughout. It's mostly clear, very, very hot, and there is absolutely no wind. Obvious exits: n e(closed) s w gate A magical gate glowing with red energy leads elsewhere. Hatim is sitting crosslegged here, playing his kanan. A portly gnomish man, bearing the insignia of the Talons, gazes absently about. A rather skinny woman stands here, watching the streets with intense serenity. A frisky squirrel exits out of a magical gate. A vicious minotaur body guard exits out of a magical gate. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A gangly female halfling exclaims 'Halt, lawbreaker! You shall pay for your crimes!' A vicious minotaur body guard dodges a gangly female halfling's attack. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A portly gnomish man exclaims 'Halt, lawbreaker! You shall pay for your crimes!' A portly gnomish man pounds a vicious minotaur body guard's face, slightly bruising her cheek. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A gangly female halfling is blinded by the dirt in her eyes! A vicious minotaur body guard punches at a gangly female halfling's chest, causing only a minor wound. A vicious minotaur body guard punches at a gangly female halfling's stomach, causing a small wound. A vicious minotaur body guard punches at a gangly female halfling's chest, bashing a small but painful, wound. A vicious minotaur body guard punches at a gangly female halfling's chest, causing a deep gash. A portly gnomish man starts to concentrate. A vicious minotaur body guard dodges a gangly female halfling's attack. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A portly gnomish man utters the words, 'dispel magic'. A vicious minotaur body guard punches a gangly female halfling's forehead, causing a small gash. A vicious minotaur body guard punches at a gangly female halfling's head, causing a pulsating wound. A vicious minotaur body guard misses a gangly female halfling. A vicious minotaur body guard punches at a gangly female halfling's chest, causing a big, bleeding wound! A portly gnomish man starts to concentrate. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > mutter You mutter quietly. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A portly gnomish man utters the words, 'dispel magic'. Your charm spell wears off. A vicious minotaur body guard walks north. A vicious minotaur body guard has fled! [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A portly gnomish man pounds a frisky squirrel's head, causing a small lump. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A frisky squirrel bites at a portly gnomish man's right finger, cutting him slightly. A frisky squirrel bites at a portly gnomish man's right wrist, causing a big gash. A portly gnomish man pounds a frisky squirrel's stomach, barely wounding it. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > c petrif portly You start to concentrate. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A frisky squirrel misses a portly gnomish man. A portly gnomish man dodges a frisky squirrel's attack. A frisky squirrel misses a portly gnomish man. A portly gnomish man pounds a frisky squirrel's chest, barely wounding it. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A portly gnomish man yells 'Criminals are attacking! Beware!' [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > A portly gnomish man dodges a frisky squirrel's attack. A frisky squirrel misses a portly gnomish man. A portly gnomish man starts to concentrate. [HP:100%] [ME: 88%] [PE: 96%] > You've broken your parole! Better hope they don't find out. You utter the words, 'szculayuqann'. Your petrification spell turns a portly gnomish man to stone! A portly gnomish man is DEAD!! You've broken your parole! Better hope they don't find out. [HP:100%] [ME: 78%] [PE: 96%] > A hook-nosed male human clambers to his feet. A hook-nosed male human walks north. [HP:100%] [ME: 78%] [PE: 96%] > yell WHY WAS I ATTACKED WHILE ON PAROLE. You yell 'WHY WAS I ATTACKED WHILE ON PAROLE.' [HP:100%] [ME: 78%] [PE: 96%] > A gangly female halfling peers around herself intently. [HP:100%] [ME: 78%] [PE: 96%] > who [--- ---][TLN] Donith - Shogun of the Blossoms [--- ---] Errelom. [--- ---] Hendal. [--- ---] Kalir. [--- ---] Kerghen. [--- ---] Korri. [HEl ---] Rika the Red. [--- ---] Riohart. [HEl ---][PAR] Sheriana, Chaotic Warrior Princess [Gno Sor][PAR] Xalgrim - Sorceror [--- ---] Zalcron. [--- ---] ((Someone)) [--- ---] ((Someone)) [--- ---] ((Someone)) Players found: 14 [HP:100%] [ME: 78%] [PE: 96%] > growl Grrrrrrrrrr... [HP:100%] [ME: 78%] [PE: 96%] Bug? Or am I missing something about the nature of "parole". |
Author: | Edoras [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:01 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Parole isn't what it used to be. |
If you're paroled, but banished, guards will still try to attack you because you're banished. May as well just be a feature. |
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