Shattered Kingdoms |
Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
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Author: | Edoras [ Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24878 The code update indicates that taunting should be possible, with a reduced chance, against deaf targets. In this test, 0 out of 10 successful taunts land on a priest when deaf. 5 out of 8 taunts land when not deaf. GM mastered taunt halfling swash with max charisma. Both the priest and swash have 1 pet in their group. Is this a bug or is the reduced taunt chance supposed to be practically nonexistent? Edited for combat spam. Reduced chance of success wrote: Ennialdre appears to be deaf.
Ennialdre wears a pair of earplugs on her head. [HP:100%] [ME: 93%] [PE:100%] > say You're a worse priest than Merida! You exclaim 'You're a worse priest than Merida!' [HP:100%] [ME: 93%] [PE:100%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 93%] [PE: 99%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 92%] [PE: 98%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 91%] [PE: 97%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 91%] [PE: 96%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 95%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 95%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 89%] [PE: 94%] > tt ennia [HP:100%] [ME: 91%] [PE:100%] > Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 91%] [PE: 99%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 90%] [PE: 98%] > Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP:100%] [ME: 70%] [PE: 97%] > t ennialdre Remove them? You tell Ennialdre 'Remove them?' [HP:100%] [ME: 69%] [PE: 97%] > l A frisky squirrel twitches anxiously. Ennialdre (a well-groomed female human) is here. (Charmed) A noble, white horse struts proudly here. [HP:100%] [ME: 69%] [PE: 97%] > Ennialdre stops using a pair of earplugs. [HP:100%] [ME: 69%] [PE: 97%] > say You have a disgusting mole on your face! You exclaim 'You have a disgusting mole on your face!' [HP:100%] [ME: 69%] [PE: 97%] > tt ennia Your sly taunts cause Ennialdre to charge you in fury. You release Ennialdre from your taunt. > Ennialdre loses her cool as you taunt her mercilessly. You release Ennialdre from your taunt. [HP: 94%] [ME: 67%] [PE: 93%] > Ennialdre loses her cool as you taunt her mercilessly. You release Ennialdre from your taunt. [HP: 93%] [ME: 66%] [PE: 91%] > Ennialdre loses her cool as you taunt her mercilessly. You release Ennialdre from your taunt. [HP: 91%] [ME: 64%] [PE: 88%] > Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP: 91%] [ME: 65%] [PE: 81%] > Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. [HP: 92%] [ME: 65%] [PE: 79%] > tt ennia Your attempt to taunt Ennialdre sounds lame and unprovoking. > tt ennia Ennialdre loses her cool as you taunt her mercilessly. |
Author: | Aujin [ Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
From the wording it sounds like you went from "not going to happen" to a" shot in the dark". Which I think is how it should be...I would imagine me taunting someone that is deaf to be quite useless as to forcing them into a fight. Then I imagine me being a complete [REDACTED] for trying to fight a deaf person. |
Author: | ninja_ardith [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:54 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
There are several ways to make somatic taunts. If you give someone the middle finger, they're going to understand it it as a disparaging slur and aren't going to be too pleased. Swashbucklers are still trash though. |
Author: | Edoras [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
I mean, given that you can taunt people whose language you don't speak, and that you can't taunt while prone, it would make sense that there's some manner of somatic component to it. Logical loopholes aside, I'm really just wondering as to whether the "reduced taunt chance" is actually bugged unless it's supposed to be abysmally low, because so far I've had 0% taunt success against deaf targets, this log being the prime example of it. That, combined with the current "be deaf anytime you want with this storebought headpiece" item in the game basically means that swashies are all but useless at killing the very classes that they're supposed to provide threat to, which are casters. |
Author: | Dubzilla [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:41 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
Edoras wrote: You exclaim 'You're a worse priest than Merida!'" Lolz |
Author: | ninja_ardith [ Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
Was she in your group? I'm pretty sure it's impossible to taunt someone in your own group. Kind of like cleave. |
Author: | Edoras [ Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
Nah, I tried that at first and realized it didn't work at all. We were in separate groups here. |
Author: | Baranov [ Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Taunt still impossible against deaf targets? |
Edoras wrote: means that swashies are all but useless at killing the very classes that they're supposed to provide threat to, which are casters. Because of this I agree. Swashies aren't really counters to anything, but on multiple occasions we have been told they are supposed to be a caster counter. This item completely removes this threat. |
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