Shattered Kingdoms

Depositing coin issue for Tribunals
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Author:  Deathadder [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Depositing coin issue for Tribunals

[Life: 65% Mind: 93% Move:100%][The Royal Treasury]
5 platinum, 2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper 4pm
tribunal balance
| Most Recent | Gold | Reason | Regarding |
| Long Shadows 15, 1184 | 2109.73 | Sales Tax | SYSTEM |
| Long Shadows 14, 1184 | 6301.11 | Deposit | Llyewlyn |
| Heat 23, 1184 | 3218.33 | Deposit | Byron |
| Heat 23, 1184 | 2700.00 | Deposit | Taznox |
| Spring 28, 1184 | 250.00 | Deposit | Astrien |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -314.75 | Diplomacy | Hand |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Hammer |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Harlequin |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -95.71 | Diplomacy | Crucible |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Druid |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -24.00 | Diplomacy | Talon |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Guardian |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -38.89 | Diplomacy | Fist |
| Spring 22, 1184 | -240.00 | Enforcer Deaths | Yeren |
| Spring 22, 1184 | -8.00 | Enforcer Fees | Yeren |
| Spring 16, 1184 | -2058.00 | Enforcer Fees | Iureana |
| Spring 16, 1184 | -4152.00 | Enforcer Deaths | Iureana |
| Spring 1, 1184 | -1504.00 | Enforcer Fees | Deamuce |
| Spring 1, 1184 | -3557.05 | Enforcer Deaths | Deamuce |

Your account has a balance of zero coins.
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:

| Grand Struggle 28, 1184 | 749.69 | Deposit | Veremas |
20 rows returned

[Life: 65% Mind: 93% Move:100%][The Royal Treasury]
5 platinum, 2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper 5pm

[Life: 65% Mind: 93% Move:100%][The Royal Treasury]
5 platinum, 2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper 5pm

Life: 65% Mind: 93% Move:100%][The Royal Treasury]
5 platinum, 2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper 5pm
tribunal deposit 5000
Transaction: 5000 copper coins in amount.
You give 5 platinum coins to the banker.

[Life: 65% Mind: 93% Move:100%][The Royal Treasury]
2 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper 5pm
tribunal balance
| Most Recent | Gold | Reason | Regarding |
| Long Shadows 15, 1184 | 6351.11 | Deposit | Llyewlyn |
| Long Shadows 15, 1184 | 2109.73 | Sales Tax | SYSTEM |
| Heat 23, 1184 | 3218.33 | Deposit | Byron |
| Heat 23, 1184 | 2700.00 | Deposit | Taznox |
| Spring 28, 1184 | 250.00 | Deposit | Astrien |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -314.75 | Diplomacy | Hand |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Hammer |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Harlequin |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -95.71 | Diplomacy | Crucible |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Druid |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -24.00 | Diplomacy | Talon |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -41.89 | Diplomacy | Guardian |
| Spring 25, 1184 | -38.89 | Diplomacy | Fist |
| Spring 22, 1184 | -240.00 | Enforcer Deaths | Yeren |
| Spring 22, 1184 | -8.00 | Enforcer Fees | Yeren |
| Spring 16, 1184 | -2058.00 | Enforcer Fees | Iureana |
| Spring 16, 1184 | -4152.00 | Enforcer Deaths | Iureana |
| Spring 1, 1184 | -1504.00 | Enforcer Fees | Deamuce |
| Spring 1, 1184 | -3557.05 | Enforcer Deaths | Deamuce |

Your account has a balance of zero coins.
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:

| Grand Struggle 28, 1184 | 749.69 | Deposit | Veremas |
20 rows returned

I deposited 2 obsidan right before that

Author:  Deathadder [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Depositing coin issue for Tribunals

Move this to Bugs please..sorry for posting in wrong forums

Author:  WickedWitch [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Depositing coin issue for Tribunals

Maybe you were in the negative.

Author:  Mira [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Depositing coin issue for Tribunals

Like I said in game, forwarded.

Author:  Edoras [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Depositing coin issue for Tribunals

It's related to the new server, it was happening on the test server too.

Author:  Dulrik [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Depositing coin issue for Tribunals

Will be looking into this further. Sounds like a difference in how the new server deals with negative account balances.

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