Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  quall [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Stealing

> i
You are carrying:
     (2) a single silver coin
     9 copper coins
     51 copper coins
     24 silver coins
     32 gold coins

Just wondering if there is a reason coins don't stack together while stealing

Author:  EZE [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I am guessing those are not actual coins for spending. They are an item, to use or hold in your hand. A prop. Thats why they wouldnt stack.


Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

No, they are simply coins, not items you use in as a tool or such. This is the same as if you were to go out adventuring somewhere and started to collect coins. You then put them into bunches as you collect them as normal. If you were to place them in a holder, like a sack as you collected them, when you look in the sack you will see one coin entry for each one you put into your sack.

Now take them all out and they collect together for one of each type.

Same thing is happening here, you are taking coins, even single ones, and placing them into your inventory instead of a sack. With the nature of stealing, it does it as if it is a seperate item instead of joining them. If you were to put them into a sack and to take them out you will see them collect together into one item.

Is this a bug.
Is it a serious one.
Does it warrant a thread of its own.
Should the user used a PM or bug it in the realm?

Author:  Tatali0n [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Moving coins into containers in "seperate instalments" works the same way.

For example, I have 5 copper and put them in my pouch that already contains 10 copper. When I look in the pouch, I'll see:

5 copper coins
10 copper coins

If I then "take all.copper pouch" the code will then stack the coins into 15 copper coins in my inventory. It's just the way stacking works with the coin system in SK. Always has done. Wouldn't worry about it too much. I actually quite like the way it sort of logs the value of various recent lifts and muggings :devil:


Author:  YorikP.Pazu [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah it can be quite usefull becuase dropping coins one at a time will not stack in a room ither (6) a single silver coin lies here ... has helped me alot in some areas.

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