Shattered Kingdoms

Nasha's Skin quest
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Author:  Adder [ Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Nasha's Skin quest

You say 'Yes.'
[HP: 61%] [ME: 75%] [PE:100%]
A burly male centaur says to you 'Well, *ghve* it to me, then.'
[HP: 61%] [ME: 75%] [PE:100%]
> say Give you it? Really?
You ask 'Give you it? Really?'
[HP: 61%] [ME: 75%] [PE:100%]
> inv
You are carrying:
a pitcher of water
the skin of Nasha (brand new)

[HP: 61%] [ME: 75%] [PE:100%]
> give skin burly
You give the skin of Nasha to a burly male centaur.
[HP: 61%] [ME: 75%] [PE:100%]
> train
[HP: 61%] [ME: 75%] [PE:100%]
> cough
Yuck! Cover your mouth next time!

Doesn't seem to work, for some reason. Can mercs do the quest?

Author:  MrPerson13 [ Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

say Give

Problem solved.

Author:  Adder [ Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I said give, or at least I put it in a sentence. Didn't work.

Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Sun Dec 05, 2004 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have noticed that a long time ago, like 7-8 months ago. The quest has some bug, some imm told me that it doesn't start when he first asks you for Nasha's skin but from something before which I never figured out.

PS: When I first noticed it I had a helf scout so it's not problem of the merc class.

Author:  Lagelli [ Sun Dec 05, 2004 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

It also happened with my warlock when i got a skin. It's just bugged.

Author:  V'klya [ Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also, when you're given this quest, it states the centaur shows you the basics of skinning, which implies your character can do it for purposes of this quest even if he doesn't have the "skin" skill [which mine doesn't].
Yet I found when I typed "skin nasha" after I finally beat her, I got a message saying "you know no such skill" or somesuch.

Has anyone else had THIS problem?

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