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 Post subject: The Oracle
PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:08 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 2732
Location: Australia
SK Character: Viltrax
[post removed temporarily]

We are looking into the reported problem with the Oracle.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:45 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:08 am
Posts: 55
Location: Who ever guessed.... NEW ZEALAND!!!!

I believe that is cheating the Oracle.
Just like I tell people to find their own answer when they ask me about one of the Oracles riddles.
(!-REMEMBER-!.... NEVER ask 'Quall Elesarea' about a riddle from the oracle, You will get a reply that goes something like
You reply to X 'I shall not help you with a riddle from the Oracle my friend, That would be cheating the Oracle's purpose'

NEVER ASK 'Quall Elesarea, Priest of Zavijah' about an oracles riddle

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:51 am 

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 2423
Location: Athens, Greece
Hmm... regarding help with the Oracle riddles... I think that if you would ask for help with the riddles IC, this wouldn't be wrong. Especially if the one you ask is a follower of Zavijah or Achernar. Those two faiths' followers should be supposed to be best at these riddles RP wise, for two different reasons.

- Followers of Zavijah should be able to solve virtually any riddle

- Followers of Achernar should be very close to understand the riddles that the wisps ask, because of their Lord's favour... They are keen to the lands of Death.

Yet, the one you ask has the right to deny his help, to his own reasons... A follower of Zavijah may not want to help you because of your aura eg, or a follower of Achernar would not help you for he wants you to gain knowledge from this experience of Death, and have you for a longer Time in his Lord's lands...

In all ways, I do not see something wrong in asking ICly for help with the Oracle's riddles.

EDIT: P.S. Regarding Quall's post, with all friendly means, posting here what your reply shall be as a warning is decreasing the chance for you to RP. :P Let them ask you, and if you feel like denying your help, it may be a chance for you to RP your denial. If you feel like helping them, you may also RP your character's wisdom to find such answers. So, discouraging others contact you for such help is... leak of your IC future response? :wink:

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:40 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
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SK Character: Viltrax
For the record, the reported problem didn't provide additional 'chances' to solve an Oracle-related riddle. In fact, the moment you tried it, you're guaranteed to fail (even with the correct answer).

Although I don't mind twinks getting nailed for trying to cheat, the problem as it was reported could easily happen to newbies, etc accidentally. As a result, I have tweaked the various wisps' question and answer sequences, that will go live at the next reboot.

If you have any problems, please send me a PM.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:56 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:08 am
Posts: 55
Location: Who ever guessed.... NEW ZEALAND!!!!
juggernaut wrote:
Hmm... regarding help with the Oracle riddles... I think that if you would ask for help with the riddles IC, this wouldn't be wrong. Especially if the one you ask is a follower of Zavijah or Achernar. Those two faiths' followers should be supposed to be best at these riddles RP wise, for two different reasons.

- Followers of Zavijah should be able to solve virtually any riddle

- Followers of Achernar should be very close to understand the riddles that the wisps ask, because of their Lord's favour... They are keen to the lands of Death.

Yet, the one you ask has the right to deny his help, to his own reasons... A follower of Zavijah may not want to help you because of your aura eg, or a follower of Achernar would not help you for he wants you to gain knowledge from this experience of Death, and have you for a longer Time in his Lord's lands...

In all ways, I do not see something wrong in asking ICly for help with the Oracle's riddles.

EDIT: P.S. Regarding Quall's post, with all friendly means, posting here what your reply shall be as a warning is decreasing the chance for you to RP. :P Let them ask you, and if you feel like denying your help, it may be a chance for you to RP your denial. If you feel like helping them, you may also RP your character's wisdom to find such answers. So, discouraging others contact you for such help is... leak of your IC future response? :wink:


You do have a point I suppose.
Alright then, Quall shall only help if the people meet certain characteristics :D But I will not reveal those characteristics, You can find them out yourself

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:52 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 2732
Location: Australia
SK Character: Viltrax
Updated death quest system is in place (yes, without needing a reboot).

Please report any issues to me, via PM or email (refer to the WIZLIST command in the game for my current email address).

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:45 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:53 am
Posts: 1786
A will-o'-the-wisp says to you 'You seek the Oracle? Prove your worth, then.'
A will-o'-the-wisp says to you 'You will have but one chance to respond.'
<zynor edit: riddle question removed>

[HP: 45%][ME:100%][PE:100%] Wealth: zero
Location: On the Shores of Death
>say My answer is a XXXX.
You say 'My answer is a XXXX.'

[HP: 45%][ME:100%][PE:100%] Wealth: zero
Location: On the Shores of Death
A will-o'-the-wisp says 'Correct, a XXXX.'
A will-o'-the-wisp says 'You are incorrect.  You have failed.'
The will-o'-the-wisp glows.
You feel disoriented.



Edit: Not only did it put me in a room with no exits as if I had failed the death quest, I have also been flagged so I cannot be ressurected either.

~~HelpfulPriest~~ replies 'I try to pray for your soul But the spirits refuses to be summoned.'

Edit x 2: The HP fixed a typo and I got ressed, but still... I answered the Oracle's questions correctly and got stuck in the no-exit room.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:37 pm 
I also answered a question with what I believe was the correct answer, and failed the death quest.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:41 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 2732
Location: Australia
SK Character: Viltrax
I guess the request to send a PM wasn't written in English; my bad.

Regardless, the problem reported by Fepel Veiled has been fixed.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:00 pm 
It takes so much extra effort to use PMs :cry:

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