Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  Ain (2005) [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Toodles.

Well, it's that time. :(

Many people knew this has been in the works for me, most haven't. Either way, I've found my way into the Army working in Intel as a human intelligence collector (nice way to say "interrogator"). I'm leaving on Monday. I've been an Army brat all my life, and after 2 civilian careers that panned out to essenially crap, I've come to the point where I realized the Army is just where I feel at home. I got the job and perks I wanted, so I signed the papers and did the whole swearing in thing. :o

Recently with issues on the mud and off, I've been going into a wee state of burnout. It happens, we go through it as players and as imms alike. It's different on either side of the fence, reasons and all, but the outcome is the same. I knew I needed a break and some space from the mud, and I knew I was headed into the military. As an imm things get a bit less enjoyable than a player at times, and lately it's just been adding up on me. The same newbkillings, multiplayings, complaints and 'traditional' problems of the mud the imms are up there handling every day do get tiresome. The thought of retiring has been heavily on my mind for a good amount of time now, and my burnout and bitterness has done nothing but fuel it along. :(

However, while there is much I can complain about, there's much that I just simply enjoy about the mud and working on the staff. Regardless of the public rumors, complaints and gripes from players, and H8 from folks for all the hard work, I've still got the <3. I still feel obligated to the responsibilities and tasks I perform on the mud, and when it boils down to it, I very much enjoy doing it. Regardless of the feedback. The mud is, for all it's worth, a great thing in everyone's lives that play it. We've got a little online world which I think is fair to say most of us really enjoy. I'm glad to be a part of it, when the day is through. In the last few days and talking with some friends and other imms, I finally made the choice -not- to retire, but instead go on a hiatus.

I'm posting this now because starting tomorrow, I'll be kicking off a last weekend with some friends. A few bottles are invited as well, and between all the copious inebriation that's due to occur, I'll be pretty much AFK from this post until when I ship out. :oops:

:drunk: <---------that's me on the right.

As for a ballpark when I'll be back around....tough to say. At the very least, early 2005. In all honesty I may be too involved with things then to take up an active imm position again, or I may simply not wish to. Then again, I may be refreshed and ready to go. Bottom line is we'll just have to see, come that point in time.

I've tried my damndest to be a good influence and addition to the mud, straining (admittedly, sometimes hard) to be fair to everyone and give everyone the attention needed. If I missed an email reply or a PM response or something along the way, I do apologize. It's been nothing but a blast working with some of the players of the mud (twinks as well, although typically asses they do have much to teach) and I'll miss you guys in the meantime. For now, this spirithorsie is out. :wink:

Stay in school. Eat your vegetables. <3

~The Ainal spirithorsie.

P.S. Ain > Marfik. 8)

Author:  Stryfore [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

You were a kickass IMM and a kickass patron. The mud has suffered quite a blow with your departure. :(

P.S. Don't die. :(

Author:  TheIceHellion [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

:( Don't get yourself killed man. And no matter how many times i've said you sawk and taunted you I still <3 you and am sad to see you going.
P.S. Marfik>Ain

Author:  Demon [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

I <3 u Sean
You're an exceptional person, and a great friend, and in my humble opinion one of the best immortals SK has ever seen.

Author:  Tragonis [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Take care Eur0. :(

Author:  Sypher [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

<3 Sean.

And despite our numerous disagreances, and little qualms, and harassment of each other. I mean this with the uptmost sincerity.

Take care of yourself.

You are by far one of the best immortals SK has had the pleasure of seeing, and knowing you IRL as a friend, I can honestly say, I'll damn well miss you, and SK will suffer a loss.

But I'm getting remiscent, and soft, so uhh.....

Damn you and your Ural bastard, Chingrish for the win bish.

Send me a yim after your out of basic.

Author:  Godspeed [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hooah, it'll be nice knowing I'll be serving alongside a freaking God. They have their Allah, I'll have my Ain. Curse them, for they macro their rifle skill!

Anyway, good luck and everything.

Author:  Zavijah (2005) [ Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:21 am ]
Post subject: 



Author:  Benzo Balrog [ Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:49 am ]
Post subject: 

You're one of the damn finest people I've met on this mud, and I don't know how I can thank you for all the help. From all the RP with Thaddy to making the Meissan temple happen...

Damnit man, take care of yourself.

Author:  YorikP.Pazu [ Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow, Um.. hmm... uh... WOW. Can't be sure I ever saw any of your chars or ever delt with ya as an IMM... but short of Algorab you are probably one of the most solid parts of the MUD. From what I have read, everyone knew where they stood with Ain which I think is a very good thing. I mean Ain just seamed more like an institution then a real person. I hope you flare up again sometime soon and can take your part in the mud again. Wish I had gotten to meet ya at ren this last year but afraid our little group never did spot the SKers in Bristol.

Good luck in the Army, where do we send your box of skittles?

p.s. So whos got the all mighty ain skin collection :)

p.p.s. I guess its time for me to go out and have another one for the loss of another Good IMM. Zavi, Algorab, Zynor... None of ye are going anywhere anytime soon are ya? (Big D better not even think about it ;-))

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