Shattered Kingdoms

Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion
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Author:  Algorab [ Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

Wanted to post a few clarifying things based on questions I've already received, as well as open the floor for questions, comments, and concerns as usual.

Q: Is X an acceptable post for the reward.

The "Zavijah Press" event is going to be judged broadly, as long as it's useful and you can relate it to what's going on and it's IC, that's fine.

RP stuff is grand, but guides and that kind of thing would also be appreciated by lots of people as well.

Q: Where should I make my posts?

Wherever makes sense for your character, but they should be on a public note board in an easy to access place. If you want to post it on multiple boards, that's fine, but it will only be counted once. If you create something you're specially proud of, feel free to post it under the game logs forum with the [RP] tag as that'll definitely make it easier for people to judge at the end. Please, be sure to still make a post on the astral board or other public board for it to count, and if possible include where to find the post in-game with your forum post.

Q: Is it only RP events this time?

Nope! The ones with ??? are drastically less RP-based, but for story telling purposes/timing purposes I didn't want to provide too much detail up front.

One will be a big NPC hunt/kill adventure, and the other a longer form self-directed combat event that will likely continue beyond the point of the bonanza itself for some time.

Q: Why isn't the dark aura discussion guaranteed?

There hasn't been a lot of dark aura activity as of late, and the dark aura activity I've seen wouldn't exactly be looking for magical and theological discussion.

I'm still preparing should there be enough people interested, but collaborative RP isn't very fun without people to collaborate with.

Q: Why is everything scheduled for X?

With a diverse player base from across the world it's always going to be difficult to find times that work for everyone. As always, I'm open to suggestions for better timing, but we usually try to time these kinds of activities over American holidays for obvious reasons.

Q: What can I do with snowflakes?

There are pills of refresh, useful to some adventuring classes in their travels, as well as able to be turned in at various locations in the major cities and elsewhere to accrue energy for your faction side. These are in the temple areas in both Nerina and Taslamar, and within The Pantheon's Gathering in Teron.

Q: Is there a rough timeline for the collection of snowflakes?

This is going to run until a bit beyond the announcement of the next installment, and there will be some changes as things go on. So we're talking at least a few weeks, and I'll try to give around a weeks notice before the next bonanza so people are given at least a few days to make final pushes. This isn't necessarily something anyone needs to dedicate all of their time to, more of something to do in downtime, but everyone is welcome to play their own way.
Updated for clarity

Q:How often will stats be posted?

Every day or two, I'm going to try to post them every morning, but there may be days it slips my mind. The influx may also slow down enough to make every other day acceptable

Q: How will rewards be decided?

The winning faction(those aligned with Stephanos vs those aligned with the other option) will receive a boon to help them defeat Emmao. This will be finalized a few days before the final bonanza/part 3 with a date given during the announcement to allow people to make a final push should they desire.

Each faction will receive three rewards based on individual contribution to their side regardless of which side won. Anyone who believes they are in contention will be able to PM me their number, and I'll be able to verify it in-game. No awards will be given until verification is made, and I reserve the right to add a few more if it's very close between participants. Each winner will be allowed to choose between a version of a specific commemorative accessory item, or a monetary reward. If it helps you to gauge your interest, I believe most of the people running end-game content and decked in end-game loot will likely opt for the monetary reward.

Current Totals:

Dark Snowflake Tracker says '715'
Light Snowflake Tracker says '1263'

(Updated as of 07/25)
I hope everyone ends up having fun, and as promised there is going to be a small replacement for that PE lost in the initial event.


Author:  ladyjennbo [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

did I miss more details???

Author:  Algorab [ Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

ladyjennbo wrote:
did I miss more details???

The main post always goes in the Announcements forum, usually stickied until it's over. ... =1&t=26762

Author:  Algorab [ Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

While there is no "planned event" taking place today, the bonus XP has already started, and sightings of strange half-spider/half-deep-elf creatures in the wilds have happened as well.

Author:  Tragonis [ Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

Algorab wrote:
While there is no "planned event" taking place today, the bonus XP has already started, and sightings of strange half-spider/half-deep-elf creatures in the wilds have happened as well.

Is that the Sadr and Algorab custody battle rp?

Author:  Algorab [ Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

Tragonis wrote:
Algorab wrote:
While there is no "planned event" taking place today, the bonus XP has already started, and sightings of strange half-spider/half-deep-elf creatures in the wilds have happened as well.

Is that the Sadr and Algorab custody battle rp?

:lol: :lol:

No, but there has been a few people that have been exploring some different theories in-game about what's going on :D

Author:  Algorab [ Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

The final event for this bonanza has begun, and will extend until further notice.

Creatures and portals have begun to enter Pyrathia from Kakuri, and bring with them some fraction of their power, that power will be harnessed in a few different ways, but I'm trying something a little different this time.

This turn-in quest has both over-all tracking per alignment side, as well as individual tracking per character which I hope will allow me to individually reward the top performers from each side at a later date. I'll be providing an update on the faction side numbers(not individual numbers) every day or two as part of the initial post.

Additionally, the creatures are only somewhat aggressive and will not attack people too inexperienced to be worth the effort, however as you grow and strength the creatures will begin to notice you and take action. These creatures depending on type range from late Journeyman on up, with the portals themselves representing a challenge for even champion level characters.

Author:  Mythrilshotgun [ Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

First of all, I'm really enjoying this event, both parts.

There's a lot of theories and mysteries finally getting resolution, and it does feel like things are coming to a head. I have ideas on how it will all resolve, but don't want anything spoiled.

The only thing I'd really request at this point is a rough timeline for the collection of snowflakes. Are we talking days (Til the end of this bonanza) or weeks (Til the next installment?)

I like the moral ambiguity of Stephanos's plan. Like, "This guy is super shady about his goals, but guess we gotta." But maybe there's a plan in the weeds that I'm missing, and that's fine. Not knowing stuff adds drama! Hopefully Caeryn will steal the divinity and use the god-like powers to restore the Guardians of Ayamao. That's where this is heading, right?

Also quick tip for explorers, be behind a pet and every elemental/drider will seem to ignore you.

Author:  Algorab [ Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

Mythrilshotgun wrote:
First of all, I'm really enjoying this event, both parts.

There's a lot of theories and mysteries finally getting resolution, and it does feel like things are coming to a head. I have ideas on how it will all resolve, but don't want anything spoiled.

The only thing I'd really request at this point is a rough timeline for the collection of snowflakes. Are we talking days (Til the end of this bonanza) or weeks (Til the next installment?)

I like the moral ambiguity of Stephanos's plan. Like, "This guy is super shady about his goals, but guess we gotta." But maybe there's a plan in the weeds that I'm missing, and that's fine. Not knowing stuff adds drama! Hopefully Caeryn will steal the divinity and use the god-like powers to restore the Guardians of Ayamao. That's where this is heading, right?

Also quick tip for explorers, be behind a pet and every elemental/drider will seem to ignore you.

This is going to run until the next installment, and there will be some changes as things go on. So we're talking at least a few weeks, and I'll try to give around a weeks notice before the next bonanza so people are able to make final pushes. This isn't necessarily something anyone needs to dedicate all of their time to, more of something to do in downtime, but everyone is welcome to play their own way. The final bonanza/chapter will be likely be significantly shorter than the first two.

Archmage Stephanos is the leader of one of the most respected Teronian institutions, and one of the premier schools of magical training in Pyrathia, but not many Teronian institutions are actually respected, nor are there that many open schools of magical training. So in a way it's all true, and in another it's damning with faint praise. I've tried to portray him as absolutely full of himself, professionally and personally jealous of his contemporaries, and ultimately self-serving in one way or another. On the other hand, often what determines whether an action is selfish or righteous is the purpose behind it, so one archmage's selfish ambition to be recognized as the savior of the world and finally get the respect he believes is deserved may ultimately align with those who simply seek save it because it's the right thing to do.

I chose to make Stephanos the contact point for the light aura side of things because in a lot of fantasy literature it's not that the good guys are inept at magical power, but they are just less willing to push the boundaries because of strange things like morality and actual decency so when a new/unique threat arises it would make sense that the person who eschews blood sacrifice not because it's morally wrong but because they find it inefficient would be more prepared for the moment. There were some other reasons as well, but I'll leave those unsaid for now.

And lol, no, no tribunals or gods will be restored by this event. Sorry. :D

Author:  BAI7l7 [ Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dig Two Graves Part II - Bonanza - Discussion

Is grinding for snowflakes all that fun to do it for a few weeks?

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