Shattered Kingdoms

Religion high favor retention idea.
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Author:  Cordance [ Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Religion high favor retention idea.

I know there are a number priest alts out there that have had a HF flag. Many of them have lost it due to inactively.

I am curious about if an alteration could be added to the code that auto strips people of HF flags. This would at the end of the month check against active play time. If you didnt reach the numbers to maintain HF flag currently, you would receive no bonus regarding loyalty points etc. However unless there was a more active member of your faith you would not lose the HF flag for next month. Im not sure how hard this would be to code in but the reasons I see for this code is to keep a "dead religion" with a storage priest still able to induct new members via IC interaction. The process Ive outlined would give no real advantage to having a storage HF member there is a limited abuse potential of being able to become active again and regain instant access to HF loyalty points but is that really a big issue, because you have to become active again to gain it. Given the current loss of HF makes you F2 there isnt a huge downside to this alteration.

The cons I see is challenge to code which basically means D's time and a risk of a bug (not knowing the code I cant say how hard it is going to be). There is also a slight risk that a player will not induct someone because they will lose the HF flag next month. However if that is the case we are back at square one with an Imm induction anyway.
The pro I see is people seeking a "dead" religion is much more likely to be inducted by an old storage character which may inspire the player desire to play the character again.

Author:  FinneyOwnzU [ Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Religion high favor retention idea.

or it could be coded that u pick ur religion at creation, like the overwhelming majority of players voted for in the last thread on this topic, and then if there is not an active hf or hp for a religion it's not a big deal

Author:  Murcia [ Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Religion high favor retention idea.

there was once this incredibly sexy guy who made a thread about joining religions at creation, cuz u know, waiting 2 months to get invested is balls.

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