Shattered Kingdoms

Races of god characters.
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Author:  woahboy [ Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Races of god characters.

Was reading something and I'm curious. Should a grey aura god be appearing as an aura specific race? How does an elf priest of Sadal (which doesn't seem too out there for a concept) reconcile with their goddess appearing as a deep elf in rp?

Author:  Varia [ Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

woahboy wrote:
Was reading something and I'm curious. Should a grey aura god be appearing as an aura specific race? How does an elf priest of Sadal (which doesn't seem too out there for a concept) reconcile with their goddess appearing as a deep elf in rp?

Golden aura

Author:  Nashira-2016 [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

Confusion and despair.

Author:  Trosis [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

I thought I heard somewhere that dwarves can't go fear faith? Because ther is some storyline about them awakening him from his tomb that the gods put him in or something like that?
I would personally enjoy seeing the race/faith rp restrictions acknowledged and brought up to the community. Maybe even just a new book with history of the gods. Shrug

Author:  woahboy [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

Any real game/theme-wide enmity/racism/etc besides elf/delf has looong been phased out in favor of a more care bear atmosphere. Two things that immediately spring to mind, Nashira used to hate griffons and the church would hunt them down, and people used to rag on half-elves all the time.

Author:  Zavijah [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

I can’t speak to the incident this is referring to, but speaking for myself I know I have appeared as some “wrong” races/factions simply because I was testing something out in an OOC capacity and then forgot to change it back to my defaults before I made a visible, in-character appearance. I suppose a player-character should react appropriately in-character while (rightly) laughing at me out-of-character.

Author:  woahboy [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

Zavijah wrote:
I can’t speak to the incident this is referring to, but speaking for myself I know I have appeared as some “wrong” races/factions simply because I was testing something out in an OOC capacity and then forgot to change it back to my defaults before I made a visible, in-character appearance. I suppose, in-character, a player-character should react appropriately in-character while (rightly) laughing at me out-of-character.

Well, the who list is of course known to be wonky.

The thing that had me curious was reading an old log of the Sadal character in actual RP as a deep-elf. Which, sure gods can appear however they want. I was just wondering what an 'appropriate' response from say an elven follower would be. Should they ignore it, be horrified, question their choice of church, commit religious seppuku? Thank you for your input. :)

Author:  Meissa [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

I think it's fine for mortals to understand that a God needs to fill a mortal form. Seppuku might be a bit too extreme in this light, I think. What Sadal appears to be at any given time and what she is are two separate things, the former subject to change without notice and the latter being something beyond the scope and capacity of your mortal's comprehension.

Sadal in particular night be feeling dark and stormy in that instance and physically manifest as a deep elf. Horror would be appropriate... Perhaps even respectfully inquiring about it could be. I sort of feel like ignoring it entirely would be poor, but the visibility of the reaction to a deep elf varies and should continue to, by individual elven character. Go with your gut.

Be warned, though, Sadal does NOT. LIKE. FUN. :wink:

Author:  Galthryn [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

Meissa wrote:
Be warned, though, Sadal does NOT. LIKE. FUN. :wink:

Lies. Sadal is the most fun there is! Challenge her to a game of dice if you see her. That's a great way to lose your soul or owe weird favors to the most awesomely fickle god ever.

The current effort is, the next person that wins at dice against sadal and gets a favor, asks her to appear in a maid uniform. Expect to be generously thunderstruck, however.

Author:  Yed [ Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Races of god characters.

Zavijah wrote:
I can’t speak to the incident this is referring to, but speaking for myself I know I have appeared as some “wrong” races/factions simply because I was testing something out in an OOC capacity and then forgot to change it back to my defaults before I made a visible, in-character appearance. I suppose a player-character should react appropriately in-character while (rightly) laughing at me out-of-character.

Ditto. Dabi has accidentally appeared as an elf, has shown up as a member of a different religion, and has appeared before people on accident, because I forgot that I was visible. D'oh!!

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