Shattered Kingdoms |
Algorab |
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Author: | Tragonis [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | Algorab |
Since when does Algorab like dorfs, griffons, and sprites? Well guess he still hate griffons, but the other two vanished from his help file. I know every immortal incarnation changes their immortal character a little, but I liked the original algorab, a little racist due to being imprisoned and accidently freed by dwarfs. Also, hating those hyper-go-lucky sprites and everyone dislikes griffons, unless they are well done. |
Author: | Trosis [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Was this assessment based solely off of the help file? Or was there something IC that brought this to your attention. I'm guessing that his followers should also feel this way? |
Author: | Tragonis [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:33 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
My first priest happened to be his first high follower and the original incarnation of Algorab aka Summ97 let it be known as such. |
Author: | Opey [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:08 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
It was part of the original RP that players followed. It doesn't seem as relevant now, either because it wasn't information passed on to subsequent followers, or those followers didn't think it was important anymore. I like it when division is present in RP groups. It fosters the idea that these are "shattered" kingdoms, alliances are tenuous and similarities between groups are few. Distrust and prejudice are good in a game like this, imo. |
Author: | Varak [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:22 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Opey wrote: It was part of the original RP that players followed. It doesn't seem as relevant now, either because it wasn't information passed on to subsequent followers, or those followers didn't think it was important anymore. I like it when division is present in RP groups. It fosters the idea that these are "shattered" kingdoms, alliances are tenuous and similarities between groups are few. Distrust and prejudice are good in a game like this, imo. I would prefer a pen-and-paper RPG approach, with each religion having sects based on kingdoms. It seems really strange to have a single high priest or high follower for a religion that spans six different kingdoms that each have different political and cultural traditions. The only way to handle this in the game right now is to assign favor to people from different kingdoms, which is a ham-handed, non-elegant solution. |
Author: | Opey [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:08 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Wow. That is a fantastic ideas, Varak. You are right that it seems weird for, just as an example, Varak can control the religious behavior of Sargasians in the Empire, even though their interpretation of that religion is, in large part, dictated by the culture of the kingdom they are in. You've said it better than I could Varak, and I think its a great idea. |
Author: | trollking [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:58 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Opey, as long as your priest doesn't get crazy with the blemishments because other members of your religion are trying to kill you, sure why not. Sadly, I doubt such is possible at this point in time. You should leave the HF position to those who can handle the position of power objectively and without bias. When you've demonstrated that you are ready, the imms will place you in such positions accordingly. |
Author: | Baldric [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Playerbase is not large enough to support a high follower for every religion in each kingdom. I mean, you'd have more high follower PCs than non-high follower PCs. I guess that wouldn't be the end of the world, though. |
Author: | Varak [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:31 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Baldric wrote: Playerbase is not large enough to support a high follower for every religion in each kingdom. I mean, you'd have more high follower PCs than non-high follower PCs. I guess that wouldn't be the end of the world, though. I do not agree with this argument, but it could be valid since I can only base my opinion on information from my current character. The current Sargas religion, for example, has enough members to easily support a sect with a high follower in Uxmal and another sect in the Empire. The cultural and political differences between the kingdoms both justify and support two sects. Opey wrote: Wow. That is a fantastic ideas, Varak. You are right that it seems weird for, just as an example, Varak can control the religious behavior of Sargasians in the Empire, even though their interpretation of that religion is, in large part, dictated by the culture of the kingdom they are in. You've said it better than I could Varak, and I think its a great idea. This is why Varak and Chronis have established a two-sect paradigm, with Chronis the head of the church in the East and Varak for the other kingdoms. However, this particular arrangement is strictly based on an RP agreement and it is not supported by the code. I think it would be interesting if a sect system were supported by the code, but Baldric does raise a valid point about having more high followers than followers for the smaller faiths. |
Author: | Opey [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algorab |
Yes, I was thinking of the Sargas religion when I was posting, as well. Maybe we need to move this discussion over to those forums. |
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