Shattered Kingdoms

Historic Druid Timeline
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Author:  Achernar [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Historic Druid Timeline

Hey everyone. After much discussion and debate, we decided we need a discussion of the Timeline of Druid history.

It wont be completely definitive, but we are trying to get an idea of when events were happening with the Druids, and the best discussion of this IC information to include all necessary parties is here. So help me out!

I need people to mention events that are missing or placed out of order. Tell me where they go on the list.

Beginning of Time, etc.
The Druids formed by Indigo, Isam, and Yizashi to protect the balance of nature and the Ayamaon lands from civilization.
The ancient text of the druids is given by the gods and the former ruins are established.
At some point in here Indigo hid the Mrraoli from Dreddnahr's vision deep within the bowels of the Druid Headquarters.
Relynah assends to take the place of Indigo.
Selkwood forest is burned and lost to the Adepts of old also the creation of the bloodorb takes place during this event. This is when the old elven/griffon city is destroyed.
A time of mourning and war takes place between the Druids and the Adepts.
Quirk and Tarin pull the druids into seclusion as the religion of Dreddnahr then known as the Hoarde begin to dominate the world.
The first laws of the Ayamao are written.
Elisar is built/founded.
Druids embark on a quest to restore the Tree of Life. (Possibly a different event from the latter Tree of Life events mentioned)
Sith'A'Niel is constructed during this time.
The S'hochi first appear and move into the Shamans circle.
The first S'hochi are inducted into the Druids.
The S'hochi gain control of the Druids, all other Druids are ousted. (I am not sure what the IC explination of this event really is.)
Relynah notices the new defenders of the forest in the S'hochi and eventually they are combined into a single entity to defend Ayamao and nature as a whole in the world.
Sith'A'Niel is constructed during this time under the watchful eyes of the Druids and the S'hochi and selkwood forest is returned to its greatness due to the efforts of the seclusion period replanting and tending to the forest.
The hoarde is defeated by an alliance of Taslamar and the Druids and a period of uneasy peace begins.
The Druids begin to conflict with Taslamar's ideals and a siege is laid to Exile and Morea.
Fayne Dannerson and the Fist eventually negotiate a truce and peace between the two nations resumes.
Aster pushes for the creation of the Knights of Selkwood to allow the druids to fall into seclusion once again.
Tallon disbands the upstart Knights of Selkwood
Leckas and the Druids of this time discover the Elemental planes and begin to find out its secrets.
Camby is named King of Sith'A'Niel and the Druids entire a golden age.
The blood orb is lost having been hidden for years deep within the ancient halls of the Druids sanctuary and the Adepts begin a new reign of terror.
The Tree of Life is destroyed causing great pain to the nature lands of Pyrathia. It is eventually restored and replanted at a secret locale by a number of Elder Druids.
Rise of the D'Astae
Treants attack the realms with the D'Astae
The treant grove of Morea is destroyed
Gaal dies while causing the flooding of Teron
The roads in Ayamao destroyed
Hazeron's Tower destroyed
The grove of the S'hochi corrupted
Druids and Hammer work together on Orchard in Taslamar (never realized)
The Knights of Selkwood split from the Druids because of the conflict with the D'Astae
The Elemental Key is given to 2 Druids, and 2 enemies of the Druids (ultimately stopped from being formed).
The Winterwood is planted by (scout Druid?)
The Winterwood is destroyed, causing the swamp in the Empire (a long conflict)
Creation of the Stonegate by Ensley, Pyara, and other Druid contributors (?)
In one part of the Empire swamp RP, the winterwood is transplanted to Ayamaoan lands, but the Empire and Druids dont see eye to eye to fix the swamp
The Druids and Knights work together to destroy the corrupted grove of S'hochi
Khath infiltrates the Druids learning their secrets and betrays them to the Adepts. A mrraoli is lost after this and sacrificed in a dark ritual allowing the Adepts to begin renewing their power.
KoS split from Druids
The Winds of the Damned
Merenna is able to strike a deal with Adepts to give Ayamao peace during this time of siege.
A shrine of vile corruption is built after Merenna's disappearance in the heart of selkwood. The shrine is eventually destroyed but the souls entrapped inside are lost and the selkwood becomes cursed for a time.
Selkwood is returned to a healthier state
Rise of the Rev'ero clan
The swamp of the Empire is transformed into its current state
OOC: CRS added
Trees are planted in exile at request of ariacron - an unbreakable peace between druids and exile begins until ariacron's death. (cilek finally found a paladin he liked)
The construction of the defensive wall of sith a niel begins with treants sent by the druids. (I believe ibudon and heldorian negotiated this, or maybe alphrenor)
The cleansing of undead from the trees around the entrance to the deep elf city. (Cilek's grove)
Renyua attempts to form the elemental key.
Ingia leads the cleansing of the blight from the taslamaran fields sent by the adepts.
Cilek dedicates his soul to Dabi.
Cilek delivers the sword of zynor to Dabi.
Present day

Author:  Smaggler [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

While covering most of the basics there's an entire section of history missing between the rise of time and the S'hochi.

I'll fill in what I know but its not exactly cannon or exact timelines on which took place first I'm not exactly sure.

The Druids formed by Indigo, Isam, and Yizashi to protect the balance of nature and the Ayamaon lands from civilization.

The ancient text of the druids is given by the gods and the former ruins are established.

At some point in here Indigo hid the Mrraoli from Dreddnahr's vision deep within the bowels of the Druid Headquarters.

Selkwood forest is burned and lost to the Adepts of old also the creation of the bloodorb takes place during this event.

A time of mourning and war takes place between the Druids and the Adepts.

[I'm sure I'll miss things in here but I'm doing my best to recall such stuff]

Quirk and Tarin pull the druids into seclusion as the religion of Dreddnahr then known as the Hoarde begin to dominate the world.

Relynah notices the new defenders of the forest in the S'hochi and eventually they are combined into a single entity to defend Ayamao and nature as a whole in the world.

Sith'A'Niel is constructed during this time under the watchful eyes of the Druids and the S'hochi and selkwood forest is returned to its greatness due to the efforts of the seclusion period replanting and tending to the forest.

The hoarde is defeated by an alliance of Taslamar and the Druids and a period of uneasy peace begins.

The Druids begin to conflict with Taslamar's ideals and a siege is laid to Exile and Morea.

Fayne Dannerson and the Fist eventually negotiate a truce and peace between the two nations resumes.

Aster pushes for the creation of the Knights of Selkwood to allow the druids to fall into seclusion once again.

Tallon disbands the upstart Knights of Selkwood

Leckas and the Druids of this time discover the Elemental planes and begin to find out its secrets.

Camby is named King of Sith'A'Niel and the Druids entire a golden age.

The blood orb is lost having been hidden for years deep within the ancient halls of the Druids sanctuary and the Adepts begin a new reign of terror.

The Tree of Life is destroyed causing great pain to the nature lands of Pyrathia. It is eventually restored and replanted at a secret locale by a number of Elder Druids.

[A period of history here takes place that I wasn't a part of including a new rise of S'hochi and other such tribes]

Khath infiltrates the Druids learning their secrets and betrays them to the Adepts. A mrraoli is lost after this and sacrificed in a dark ritual allowing the Adepts to begin renewing their power.

Merenna is able to strike a deal with Adepts to give Ayamao piece during this time of siege.

A shrine of vile corruption is built after Merenna's disappearance in the heart of selkwood. The shrine is eventually destroyed but the souls entrapped inside are lost and the selkwood becomes cursed for a time.

[That's really all I can recall, if I think of something else important I'll post it.]

Author:  Ilae [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

After the cursing, the KoS became the Guardians and performed a ceremony to free the lost souls and remove the plauge/curse from the area.

Not sure about major events after that.

Author:  TheCannibal [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Trees are planted in exile at request of ariacron - an unbreakable peace between druids and exile begins until ariacron's death. (cilek finally found a paladin he liked)

The construction of the defensive wall of sith a niel begins with treants sent by the druids. (I believe ibudon and heldorian negotiated this, or maybe alphrenor)

The cleansing of undead from the trees around the entrance to the deep elf city. (Cilek's grove)

Renyua attempts to form the elemental key. (not sure what came of this)

Ingia leads the cleansing of the blight from the taslamaran fields sent by the adepts.

Cilek dedicates his soul to Dabi.

Cilek delivers the sword of zynor to Dabi.

I remember some other side things. Renyua had nightmares sent from algorab and we were supposed to get water for that tree. I bet renyua could fill in some blanks

Author:  Dulrik [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Any chance we can get some dates assigned to these major intervals? Even if they are somewhat arbitrary. If anyone has any logs for some of these events and they have a real life creation date on the file, that would give us something to work with in terms of game time.

Author:  Stryfore [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shortly after Ibudon's death, the water that Ladon was supposed to get in order to replant the Tree of Life was obtained. The Tree of Life was replanted again, and it's still growing to this day.

The elemental key was never reformed due to the fact that the second half was inaccesable... lying in the Maelstrom.

The nightmares sent by Algorab did seem like omens, as many threats were made of Renyua's demise and possibly the House's, but I do not believe that those were linked to Cilek's betrayal. It's up to individual intepretation, really.

(All this talk of druid history makes me wish I went out with style instead of the lame "post note; delete; delete" crap. Ah... regrets. :-? )

Author:  Guest [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

The wall was Ibudon and Alphrenor. It was going to be a regular wall until the druids petitioned to have their treants build a living one. I just looked at my log, and I couldn't find a time for the event.

Author:  soultoast [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

That would've been summer of last year, just before I disappeared as an IMM.

Author:  Guest [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think it was arouuuuuuuuund 730TA.

Author:  Porfilas [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think can offer a few corrections to the early time line it has been quite a while so it is more than a little fuzzy

Relynah assends to take the place of Indigo.
Selkwood forest is burned and lost to the Adepts of old also the creation of the bloodorb takes place during this event, the old elven/griffon city (name?) is destroyed.
A time of mourning and war takes place between the Druids and the Adepts.
Quirk and Tarin pull the druids into seclusion as the religion of Dreddnahr then known as the Hoarde begin to dominate the world.
The first laws of the Ayamao are written.
Elisar is built/founded.
Druids embark on a quest to restore the Tree of Life. (Possibly a different event from the latter Tree of Life events mentioned)
Sith'A'Niel is constructed during this time.
The S'hochi first appear and move into the Shamans circle.
The first S'hochi are inducted into the Druids.
The S'hochi gain control of the Druids, all other Druids are ousted. (I am not sure what the IC explination of this event really is.)

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