Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  cathan [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Balance

I have a priest currently and I have a question.

He believes in the virtue of balance, and while he thinks the laws of man arbitrary, he has a sense and regard for order, more along the lines of the 'natural order', like natural selection, survival of the fittest and just the laws that govern eco-systems in nature. There doesn't seem to be a sphere of balance belonging to anyone, but my initial instinct was Ain. Maybe I just associated the scale symbolic to his faith, as balance.

While he would regard Nashira second only to ain, there has been alot of misunderstanding, folks thinking I was seeking nature instead of Ain. While his duty is to nature, his devotion and fascination is with balance. I also considered Nashira as a choice, but to me, from reading the help file, the god seemed more about decay and growth, and the cycles of nature rather than what I was looking for, balance. Though I could be wrong, as I am only going off of help files. I RP'd with a few players and after discussing it and they disagreeing, it has caused me to question which would be more appropriate myself.

So I was wondering if I could get a census. I know my character's concepts may be slightly unconventional to the normal priest of Ain. Would it be more fitting to seek Nashira instead?

Author:  werttrew [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Balance

cathan wrote:
I have a priest currently and I have a question.

He believes in the virtue of balance, and while he thinks the laws of man arbitrary, he has a sense and regard for order, more along the lines of the 'natural order', like natural selection, survival of the fittest and just the laws that govern eco-systems in nature. There doesn't seem to be a sphere of balance belonging to anyone, but my initial instinct was Ain. Maybe I just associated the scale symbolic to his faith, as balance.

While he would regard Nashira second only to ain, there has been alot of misunderstanding, folks thinking I was seeking nature instead of Ain. While his duty is to nature, his devotion and fascination is with balance. I also considered Nashira as a choice, but to me, from reading the help file, the god seemed more about decay and growth, and the cycles of nature rather than what I was looking for, balance. Though I could be wrong, as I am only going off of help files. I RP'd with a few players and after discussing it and they disagreeing, it has caused me to question which would be more appropriate myself.

So I was wondering if I could get a census. I know my character's concepts may be slightly unconventional to the normal priest of Ain. Would it be more fitting to seek Nashira instead?

Very interesting.

To muddy the waters even further, I think you could go with several other imms, too. Dulrik is the God of Truth--the Truth beyond arbitrary person-made laws. Marfik's Chaos undoes those man-made rules. Zavijah is the God of Wisdom--seeking the Balance that is wisest of all. Achernar is Change--the ecosystem is in perpetual change. The add in Sadal (luck) and Mira (mystery) into the mix...well, you see what I mean.

But to answer your original question, with the split between the two camps in the Ain faith (they still do that, don't they?), I would suggest Nature. Nashira's spheres are general enough that I think the rp would work better there.

Author:  tanxia [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Taken directly from "help Nashira":
"The goal of existence should be to accept and live in agreement with
nature. Regardless of whether or not it is convenient, you are part of it
and you do serve it by simply living."

Death and life are all part of the cycle, and balance the realms. Though I could be wrong, the only real balance in Ain would be that he is half good and half evil. If you are seeking the complete cycle, as you were saying "survival of the fittest", it sounds more like Nashira to me.

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you are seeking "balance" you are probably grey aura, if if you're grey aura you wont be getting into Ain.

Also Ains "balance": issnt about not paying attention to arbitrary laws, the light half is all about laws(well i think :wink: ) and the order and all of society . Evils believe in dictartorship pretty much, the "natural" order of nobles ruling and peasants working or dieing pretty much.

Id say go with Nashira.

Author:  Hoolio [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Definately Nashira.. Nature is all about balance. Birth balances Death, while life is just the means from one of them to the other. Predators keep the balance so that animals dont get over populated. Food chain is a balance.. Weather is a balance. The seasons are balanced. I think u'd do better with Nashira.

Author:  Radamanthys [ Tue May 10, 2005 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

If the IMM and HFs are alright with it , I think you should go for Ain, and simply be outside either camp. It would certainly not be easy, but it'd be great... and also represent a very logical point of view; Order is the sphere the two share in common. What is Order, other than a characteristic of Balance? As is Chaos. Neither good or evil. The only practical problem I can think of, is what symbol you would be wearing :).

Author:  Ain (2005) [ Tue May 10, 2005 11:00 am ]
Post subject: 

The only grey aura neutral character with an Ain religion Ain. Sorry Iggy...sure, one can RP that, but they'll not get invested anywhere.

Both the Scale side and the Eye side have had characters which play off the theme of "Balance"....wherin they respect and acknowledge each other as nessicary to define one another, however still foes.

I'd say Ain has a kinship to things regarding Balance, yes. But on the whole, Nashira is likely the better embodiment of it. I suppose my thinking on it boils down to that the Ain faith can be, if played correctly, Druidic.

Author:  Xain [ Thu May 12, 2005 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

The darker religons might be aplicable as well depending on where the charector is from.

Sadr has had many followers of different alighnments. All suffer... perhaps through "balance" or temperance we experience the right amount of suffrering, suffering balances everyone even the imortals.

Sargas Survival of the fittest, we are defined by our conflict are ideas associated with sargas. You've got natrual selection and balance by conflict.

Algorab, fits in with surival of the fittest. By mastering your fear and using it against those in nature, you carve a place. It's a balance of fear which alows humans and demihumans to keep their place in the cycle of nature.

These religons might work if you take the tainted war hungry barbarian attitude.

Thuban while at first glance might not seem to be all about balance, but s/he can be all about temperance. Everything should be done, there are no limits but moderation with each so there is a balance.

Lastly, from the orgin storys I've read there use to be three gods of wisdom to bring about a balance. One for each aura. I think if you worshiped one of them, Zavi might feel your one of his own. I'm not sure with this incarnation of wisdom.

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