gnalish wrote:
I think what people are REALLY looking for is not a god of 'insanity' per se, but a god of chaos and revelry (a la Yopp), rather than a god of Chaos (a la Marfik) whose main thrust is to create 'disorder' to [REDACTED] off the church of Ain.
Only one question, what the hell does revelry have to do with chaos other than many good parties being chaotic? Not a thing.
Why, on SK at least, do they get intertwined? Because Yopparai was the last mortal to ascend to the pantheon. When he ascended he was a follower of Yigg; the god of Insanity, Entertainment, and Pleasure. So you have Yopparai who was going to be a Chaos god(steping out on a limb here) because Xareth had long since departed. Xareth was a hell of a lot more dark Chaos god, also to further show that Yigg was NOT a Chaos god he was also co-patron with Xareth of the Harlequins.
So what does this give us, it gives us Yopparai who was a tried and true Stufflord who ascends and grafts the Chaos sphere onto himself ostensibly
because Xareth is no more and it should be represented.
That's fine, but just because at some point it was grafted on doesn't make it the defining form of Chaos.
help Marfik wrote:
"Chaos is the law of existence while Order is merely the dream of man."
"Chaos often breeds life, while Order breeds only habit."
"What we imagine as Order is merely the prevailing form of Chaos."
"In the beginning, there was Chaos. Chaos nurtures progress. Progress enhances Order. Order tries to defy Chaos at all cost. But my friend, if and when Order wins the final battle against Chaos, I will mourn because progress will be dead."
gnalish wrote:
All four of these quotes point towards an enmity of Ain.
Because Ain is the embodiment of everything that Marfik is against and vice versa. He allows nothing but Princ and Aberrant, I allow anything but. Also, since you aren't really a follower I don't really expect you to know the next part.
gnalish wrote:
Even Marfik's spheres - chaos, mayhem, and anarchy - are all basically different ways of saying 'chaos'.
Not very chaotic if you ask me
Thank god no one asked you.
However, to clarify for people too lazy to actually use a dictionary. They aren't just different ways of saying chaos, they are different forms of Chaos. If I had my way the spheres would have been Disorder, Mayhem, and Anarchy. However, you can take Chaos as the bland plain jane form of Chaos, the catch all.
Mayhem is a more violent and destructive form of Chaos wrote:
may·hem ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mhm, mm)
Law. The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person.
Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing; wanton destruction: children committing mayhem in the flower beds.
A state of violent disorder or riotous confusion; havoc.
Anarchy is more of a political type of disorder. wrote:
an·ar·chy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nr-k)
n. pl. an·ar·chies
Absence of any form of political authority.
Political disorder and confusion.
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
The third definition doesn't apply, however the other two do quite nicely.
It boils down to this, Mayhem is there more for the evil people in the world that want to cause death and destruction to bring about Chaos. It's also a hold-out from the essence of Chaos being stuck inside of Xareth for so long. Anarchy is there more for the lighties who want to buck the established norm for the betterment of others to cause Chaos. The first example that pops into mind would be the Black Panthers and the NAACP. They are/were both working towards the same goal, but had drastically different ways to do it. Then we have the catch-all Chaos there for all the neutral people that don't really care and want to cause Chaos however and whenever.
There are other things in the faith that support this, such as Marfik's fascination with the forsaken. However, as I said before. Since you're not part of the faith I don't expect you to have any knowledge of this kind of stuff.
In fact, since you're gnalish I expect you to do just this. Spout off half-cocked borderline asinine comments that don't do anything but further people's plummeting opinion of you.