Shattered Kingdoms |
Ennialdre the Thread |
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Author: | Fette [ Wed May 25, 2016 12:04 am ] |
Post subject: | Ennialdre the Thread |
I made this character to see if I could get an old friend of mine to play, and came back after a few months. I never expected the depth of roleplay I encountered with the Church of Sadal stories I got to interact with. I loved playing this character through to the end, thanks to everyone along the way. |
Author: | SK_Phantom [ Wed May 25, 2016 6:59 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
I absolutely loved Enni. Please make another! |
Author: | Ezaya [ Wed May 25, 2016 8:04 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
Aww...Enni. Say it isn't so. She'll be missed! |
Author: | La.Bonnita [ Wed May 25, 2016 10:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
Did she age die like you wanted (or seemed to want)? I thought she was a lot of fun and hope you roll another! ![]() |
Author: | Fette [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
Yeah. Fell over trying to enchant a shield haha. I whined waaaay too much about being old not to see it all the way through. |
Author: | La.Bonnita [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
Haha, poor old girl. |
Author: | Edoras [ Wed May 25, 2016 4:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
Ennialdre felt like such a staple to the game. I was always glad to see her on the who list, and it's bittersweet seeing such a long-lived character breathe their last. |
Author: | Fette [ Thu May 26, 2016 8:23 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
So now that some of the shock has worn off, I can get into the meat of things. ![]() I never planned on this character being so influential. I originally rolled after the Grahme war because I wanted to learn about the other half of the game and I wanted to show my buddy the new mud I was enjoying. We rolled up and some helpful mentor asked us which language we intended to speak when tongues from the academy wore off. That question set the tone for the rest of Ennialdre's life. She was barely fluent in anything other than her native Empire. Tasmalaran she learned because she immigrated to Exile for a while, and Suvi gave her plenty of practice on deep and Zhensh. After I came back, she couldn't stand hearing Sylvan because of her time locked away. When my friend didn't keep playing, I put her on the shelf and came back later when I needed another break from other stuff. People were active in the church and wanted to know where I had been. Since the last place I logged out was the Outpost, that's what I said. I know it took some suspension of disbelief why a priest couldn't get out or recall, but it was better than assuming I went a journey somewhere and then make up stories to tell. I liked the idea that something was happening to her that actually took her out of events, rather than assuming she did other stuff. It helped me to resolve my long break with continuous gameplay. After that I fell into training and gaining experience and I wasn't moved to great things until Suvilivus came around. Enni and Suvi had quite a few philosophical differences and something about Suvi's idea that he could change his fate (when she so firmly believed you could not) inspired her to lead. She recognized that Suvi had other motivations and distractions so she took it on herself to help him on the religious side. I was really disappointed that I never found out if it was some crazy deep elf lie, or if Suvi's was on the level with her. Either way, it was fun. @suvi please play a bit more inside the rules so your character doesn't disappear. I want to see how your stories end. After Suvi, I started doing some pet projects that could keep me busy while I was at work and I could hang out for when people needed daytime reses. I put double and triple potions into capped test tubes, I messed around with which potions that already had spells double or triple brewed best. I tried to make things that people would feel lucky to have, because I had the time to try until it worked. If you ever got a few refreshing words, it probably came from a few hours of effort and waiting for the vials to respawn. At this time, nothing was more disappointing than to learn that all someone wanted was 10 single heals. But at the end of the day, despite all the losses, she was happy. She was rarely alone, and all these adventurers would come with unique items to consecrate and she thrived on the risk of blowing up stuff that took hours to retrieve. My favorite times were following behind a group to enchant on-site. Finding the casino unlocked the gambler that had been in her the whole time. The gambler that set her on Sadal's path in the first place. Once it closed down, which she presumed was because Sadalites were too lucky, that urge never quite abated, though the opportunities grew more slender. The Casino was also great because I could res people at the fan and turn it on to dry people off. Someone who made Sadal rooms and shrines really kncoked it out of the park with all the gnomish devices and such scattered around. She was kind and helpful and loved playing little jokes on people. Things like trying to put a sixth rune on some stubborn sword "Sixth for luck" or something. Of course she wouldn't, but I'd get a good few seconds of watching people squirm as I cast the wrong enchantment spell. I'm gonna miss playing her, but don't worry, this won't be my last. Sorry for rambling and thanks again for all of it. |
Author: | MsPooperTrooper [ Sun May 29, 2016 11:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
So much luff for Enni. Had a glass of blackberry wine in her honor. ![]() Can't wait to see your next! |
Author: | Meissa [ Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Ennialdre the Thread |
Ennialdre the Reply. I liked this character ICly and IMMly, and I am sorry to see her go. ![]() I'm glad you liked the casino. I need to tweak the scripts a bit so it can reopen. They are massively, insanely complicated, and they took me weeks to get working. So honestly, the thought of digging into and altering them is instantly a bit demoralizing.... but I will, eventually. ![]() Ennialdre the Lunchbox. Ennialdre the Bedsheets. |
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