Meissa wrote:
Lastly, nobody on the staff knows anything about questioning your RP. You didn't petition me or anyone else for clarity about whether or not X or Y thing that you were doing (that someone must have questioned, but I can't surmise that it was a staffer) was okay.
SOMEone on staff knows. When I got my leader flag I basically got called out on some super basic day-to-day RP my char was doing to justify my even getting a leader flag. Someone was behind the NPC that straight called me out on a PC I was associating with had some sort of agenda, that was blatantly obvious. If you have a player willing to put forth effort into running ANY aspect of this game why wouldn't you just completely back that play with the state of things? Whether the player runs the cabal/tribunal/religion in a good/bad/ugly way, at least they're doing SOMEthing. As long as it's within the rules(which is a whole different ridiculous issue) who CARES what effect it's having as long as the player is generating activity?!
Bottom line is I came into a game with very little understanding of the state of it. I realized quickly that it was a very different game than I remembered. I tried to inject a little life into a dying situation, as best I know how(which can be pretty blunt I know), and got a very poor response. Once I had that interaction with staff and I talked to a few players to find out what FUN people are having playing this game, I felt like even in a leadership position of a cabal I couldn't make the game more fun for other players, which was the only reason I wanted leadership in the first place. I truly was willing to do more to make the game fun for other people but I honestly don't feel like that's a priority for, anyone, really. I think there's a few players hanging on because they can dominate a game with no players and there's a few players that have found a niche to do, whatever they're doing, but beyond that I don't see anybody(pbase or staff) with any sort of vision to make the game new and exciting to provide people with entertainment, which to me is the point of a game.