Shattered Kingdoms |
[Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
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Author: | Mcbeth [ Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | [Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
Code: oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo o [Scores] Talimor, of Taslamar o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Griffon Class: Barbarian o o Kingdom: Taslamar Religion: Pantheist o o Cabal: Hammer of Light (Member) o o Tribunal: The Peacekeepers (Member) o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Coins: zero o o Carrying: 0/16 items Load: 0.0/300.0 pounds o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Health: Slaughtered Mental: Drained Physical: Fresh o o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o You are standing. o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o You have earned 30 loyalty tokens with this character. o o You can spend 5 loyalty tokens for this character. o o You have 35 unspent loyalty tokens in total. o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o You are over three-fourths of the way to the next level. o o You have played 215 hour(s) so far. o oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo Code: oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo o [Attributes] Talimor of Taslamar o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Griffon Class: Barbarian o o Age: 15 Sex: Male Size: Large o o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Right handed Religion: Pantheist o o Born: Winter Wolf 27, 1279 Birthday: 2 days o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o STR: Powerful INT: Smart WIS: Clever o o DEX: Nimble CON: Hardened CHA: Sociable o o===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===o o Carrying capacity: 16 items with a maximum weight of 300.0 pounds. o oOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOo He lived, he died. He was fun to play. He was probably hideously overpowered, although probably not as hideously overpowered as his opponents sometimes made him out to be. I had made up my mind to retire him after his next death, as it only seemed appropriate to keep him around until his awful tactics eventually caught up with him. I was always amazed at how I kept coming out on top in some of the fights I threw myself into on this character, and suspect that he would have died much sooner if anybody had put any thought into how to fight him. That said he had some pretty stellar moments, both in RP and in PK. Much thanks to most of the Peacekeepers and Hammers I played with. Belzadin in particular was a pleasure, Talimor was fairly simple minded and never envied his allies whose loyalties were divided between factions that didn't always see eye to eye. Wudan is a boss. Aodh was a wrecking ball. Tikka was fun. I'll take some time away from SK and then hopefully latch on to another one some time down the road! |
Author: | Le Petit Prince [ Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
Fun and challenging to play against. Tough, but always courteous out of character. Never saw a gap in his RP, from what little my perspective afforded me. Killed you in group combat, but never one-on-one. Nice job, dude. |
Author: | Pook [ Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
Was solid from what I saw, also. He will be missed. Best luck with the next! |
Author: | jreid_1985 [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
Pretty strong build that made a formidable enemy. Solid griffon RP. Good luck with your next. |
Author: | Teh_Peso [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
Best Griffon Ever. Lol. Loved playing with this one, always willing to throw down, and stuck to our Hammer RP very well. |
Author: | Lambeauistic [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Gri Brb][HMR][KPR][PAR] Talimor of Taslamar |
Big props. Great team player and generally fun to be around. Hope to see you back soon. |
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