Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  TheXbest [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Dimytri/Kolack

Dimytri was a halfling swash for hand. He turned out good until i found out that taunt was changed to be int and then i had to mod it so i stopped playing after he died to galdor and anjin.

Kolack was a giant merc specd dorb and archery bow. bow spec SUCKS straight up unless you do longbow. it all caps at 4 i think. IT only affected the melee speed so i would get 5 hits a round up front but only 4 arrows hasted. same as anyone else without spec. really bad..

Author:  FinneyOwnzU [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dimytri/Kolack

TheXbest wrote:
Dimytri was a halfling swash for hand. He turned out good until i found out that taunt was changed to be int and then i had to mod it so i stopped playing after he died to galdor and anjin.

Kolack was a giant merc specd dorb and archery bow. bow spec SUCKS straight up unless you do longbow. it all caps at 4 i think. IT only affected the melee speed so i would get 5 hits a round up front but only 4 arrows hasted. same as anyone else without spec. really bad..

You can get five shots per round with an archery bow, battle arrows and haste at GM. To be frank, I'm not sure that specialization works correctly with ranged weapons. It seems to only increase the speed/number of attacks when you melee instead shoot. Maybe Dulrik will catch this thread and confirm it is working correctly (or as intended).

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dimytri/Kolack

Ranged combat works in a lot of different ways than melee combat. I'm not saying that this means that it affects specialisation with ranged weaponry, but there are things that do work differently that I have knowledge of.

Author:  Deathadder [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dimytri/Kolack

I can't verify with logs, but my merc was speced in siege xbow, and before and after showed major improvements in the ranged area.

Author:  skhellion [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dimytri/Kolack

<- same as thexbest

i noticed the slow [REDACTED] it works. but there is like a cap at 4 without haste. like longbow is only 3 without spec. with spec is 4 haste 5 i think? shortbow 4 without spec. 4 with spec. and 5 with haste. same as archery. crossbow is 3 round bladed without spec round its 4 with spec not sure on haste if its 5 though. siege never tested it.

Author:  Orac [ Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dimytri/Kolack

Come back soon. I never knew the characters but the player is good :)

Author:  Dexity [ Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dimytri/Kolack

Saw this coming! I liked The halfling, never met the other.

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