Shattered Kingdoms

Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon
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Author:  Teh_Peso [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

Hey all, I'd just like to say it was a blast, the first time I've ever had more than one character at a time was when I had Rakohono/Kythroghalas, and I did it again with Tipperary/Kythroghalas, but alas, I felt like I was just hoarding with the minimal hours I was putting in, so I've had my lewt spread throughout the realms!

Kythroghalas was my greatest failure, sadly. I wanted a necromancer, so that I could kill both lighties and darkies, and I did, but not on the scale I wished to, his RP lead him elsewhere, and he decided that when it was time, after he built the nobility of the midnight council back, he would disappear, as there was no sense to a necromancer being on a council of nobles...let alone leading it!

He was by far my most fun character, the sick little bastard.

Tipperary was made alone, honestly, Shaco and Kezzai helped him mid way through lvling, he was made because it was VERY hard for Kythroghalas to go on all the fun trips to the iron citadel/dreamscape and feel useful. He wasn't made to have people hate him, and I'm sad in the end its what it was, he was never a chaos follower, nor a harlequin:) He was just made to be an alt I could get away from my PK char with.

Kilgannon was a major success during this last bonanza! The few that know why will notice who I play next whenever I decide to build a new character.

This is in no way me leaving or anything, I just need to focus on saving money and getting a second job will be priority for my big move coming up!(Jerin I'm coming home!)

I thought I saved my stats and such, but I didn't! hah!

It was a blast!

P.S. Jhorleb, I hate you you inactive too busy with IRL life donkeyshocker! :cry:

Author:  Rehginn [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

Shoot, I make my come back and you

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon


Author:  jhorleb [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

Sorry to see him go man. And yeah my bad for never getting to log on lately.

Author:  Hello Kitty [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

Lol. I TOLD those fisties I could getcha! Was fun playing with Kyth.

Author:  Stoopid_Monkey [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

I am sad to see them go, I was looking forward to some interesting interaction and maybe learn some PK in the process. I look forward to your new character.

Author:  Edoras [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

I heard this guy once got himself arrested because he got scared of a gnome hammer merc who went solo against his his full army of undead. Man I bet that was embarassing. That's just as embarassing as zapping chain lightning at yourself.

Good luck on the move!

Also, if you had trouble feeling useful in the dreamscape then you were doing it wrong, though it does definitely take a lot more prep work for a necro than any other class to be up to snuff in that place, barring a couple very useful items.

Author:  alvarro [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

That's a lot of chars that people knew that are gone now. That's sad :/ Never got to interact with your chars so I can't really say much about them. I just hope you don't drag Jhorleb and Rehginn with you away from the mud. It kinda has that sound to it :D

Anyway, good luck with the job and moving! Priorities!

Author:  drexal [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon


Author:  Tojishiro [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kythroghalas, Tipperary, Kilgannon

I had a chance to interact with Tipperary and Kilgannon, always in a limited fashion.

I cannot say I had the chance to interact with Kythroghalas, directly, but I can say that your character's actions have made an impact and altered some of Toji's.

Generally, it's bad to see people deleting, especially when they have so much time ahead of their characters' lives, but nobody can escape the dreadful "I grew bored/tired/wanted something else" bug from the mud.

Best of luck with your money gathering Peso! Hopefully, the next character you play is <insert-vacant-imm-name-here>! :P


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