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 Post subject: [PAR Sor] [MIDNIGHT] Aldric - Magelord of the Empire
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:27 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
[PAR Sor] [MIDNIGHT] Aldric - Magelord of the Empire, The Eye of Sargas

> Type delete again to confirm this command.
WARNING: this command is irreversible.
Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.

[HP:100%] [ME: 53%] [PE:100%]
> You disband the group.
Alas, all good things must come to an end.
You release all your spells.
Thursday November 12 11:16:00 PM session closed.
Status: connection is closed.

This elderly man would stand at average height for a human, were it not
for his bent form. He is both slender and narrow, lacking anything in the
way of muscle. Judging from the deep lines around his eyes and mouth, he
appears to be in his early seventies. His only remarkable traits are his
snow-white hair and his dark, hollowed eyes, which give him a haunted
expression. A long, well-kempt, white beard adorns the man's face. His
weathered skin is dotted lightly with freckles under his eyes, and his
symmetrical, agreeable features further soften his less-than-intimidating

o [Attributes] Aldric - Mage of the Smiter o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Sorceror o
o Age: 75 Sex: Male Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Aberrant Handiness: Right handed Religion: Sargas o
o STR: Weak INT: Genius WIS: Wise o
o DEX: Awkward CON: Durable CHA: Dynamic o
o Carrying capacity: 10 items with a maximum weight of 195.0 pounds. o

Had max Art

[HP:100%] [ME: 84%] [PE:100%]
o [Scores] Aldric, - Mage of the Smiter o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Sorceror o
o Kingdom: Empire Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 1 platinum, 8 gold, 9 silver, 2 copper o
o Carrying: 16/10 items Load: 46.3/195.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Crackling Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 45 percent Mode: Kill/neutral o
o You are standing. o
o You may advance to the next level. o
o You have played 1630 hour(s) so far. o

I was initially just going to get removed from MC, but stick around to hand out enlights. That’s why it says independent above instead of Midnight Council, but we all know he was an MCer.

Max Art

I’m not going to bother posting skills/spells, except to say:
final strike (mastered)

Aldric was born a slave in the empire. His father was a priest of Dulrik, originally from Taslamar, and his mother, of Uxmaln heritage, came from a family of thieves. His father was always disappointed with the aura of the child, and was never able to accept his son. Aldric grew up with barely enough to eat, extremely malnourished and typically on the edge of starvation. When he was six years old, his parents tried to escape with him and his younger sister. They were unsuccessful, and their owner chose to make an example of the family, which was locked away without food until they died. Aldric survived, however, outlasting his family and picking meat from their corpses. His master, who was a hellion of Sargas, was so surprised to find the child alive that he took an interest in him. The knight chose to teach Aldric about the code, and of the Smiter. Aldric was honorable to a fault, with a code of honor that in many ways resembled what his father had taught him. When Aldric came of age, his mentor gave him the opportunity to prove himself and earn his freedom. He was presented three challenges: one to prove his honor, one to prove his discipline, and one to prove his ruthlessness. The challenges were presented secretly, and Aldric did not know he was being tested. He completed the challenges, speaking the truth even when it meant he would be faced with punishment, controlling his temper when it was rational to do so, and carrying out the necessary punishments on the estate.

So Aldric left for Kytar, to begin training. He had wanted to be a knight, but proved too physically weak. He instead trained to be a mage, and quickly advanced in his training, becoming a grandmaster in only a few years. He could not stand to remain in the empire, years of slavery seared into his memory, and instead spent most of his time in Zhensh lands. There he made many friends, mostly passing his time in the inn, helping those who asked. He was naïve, and knew little of the world, but was happy to help those who weren’t a threat to him. Here he met and became friends with Emet, a priest of Dulrik who shared Aldric’s belief that when someone lies to you, you kill them. The two quickly became allies, Aldric providing the necessary scrolls that would prove to make the difference in battle.

With the support of Emet, Aldric was able to earn the title of Hero. Winning the combat portion and having an insane amount of tokens produced by belts proved to be enough.

Aldric also met a young bard, Juniepur. The entrancing woman inexplicably pursued the nondescript man for several years before winning his affections. The two were wed, and had a child.

Around this time, Aldric negotiated a truce between the Talon and Druid forces. In his judgment, it was not an honorable war, and it sullied the name of sacred Battle, since neither side even knew what they were fighting about. Upon negotiating the truce, however, Aldric realized the horrible sin he had committed, bringing peace where there was conflict. He chose to officially join the church of Sargas, and commit his soul to the Smiter so that he may atone for his sin.

He found his life empty of battle, however, and chose to join the midnight council to fill the void and to honor his Lord. He wasn’t a patriot, but did identify as imperial.

Aldric knew the council did not care for honor and insisted that his oaths be altered, so that he could ignore any orders he deemed dishonorable. It was his hope to eventually transform the council into something worth being a part of.

Aldric’s first order of business upon joining the council was leashing its attack dog, Ealuriel. When Aldric refused to help her with one of her personal projects, she threatened to take action against his wife. Aldric responded by telling her that he was going to kill her. He did, and Ealuriel then promised to recognize Aldric as her superior (pretty nice of syn since she is better than me at pk and knows it). Aldric began spending nearly all his time working for the empire, neglecting his wife completely. When this inevitably led to their separation, Aldric was nearly destroyed. Though he had never done a good job of showing it, he did love her. From that point forward, Aldric was a much darker individual, and he swore to never allow compassion to corrupt his mind again, recognizing that it had left him vulnerable. He also tried to purge himself of any type of emotion, but never came close to achieving this, turning into an especially violent, angry, and paranoid man in his later years.

A young knight, Dimothenis, was appointed second in command to Pertinax. When Pertinax became inactive, Dimothenis declared himself the Knightlord and took Aldric as his co-leader. Dimothenis was a very impressive knight, and Aldric modeled himself somewhat after the younger man.

He rose within the ranks, and when Dimothenis deleted, eventually became the sole leader of the council. He inherited a weak army, however, with many wars. He worked to rebuild the council, and did, into one of the strongest factions in the realms. Several members of his council were nonetheless dissatisfied with his leadership, on account of the high standards of honor that he held them to. Aldric was never a patriot, but he had sworn an oath to serve the empire, and that’s exactly what he tried to do while he was in its service. He believed that strength could only be achieved through honor, and thus decided to remove and in some cases execute those dissident members of the council. Aldric earned himself the reputation of tyrant, and it wasn’t the last time he would make an example of his own men. Abroad, Aldric generally was treated with respect by other leaders. I’d like to think he was known as a reasonable, honorable man who happened to like war.

When Krager left, Aldric inherited the position of leader of the Sargas church. He was always a little uncomfortable with the position, feeling it should belong to a knight or priest, but did his best to fulfill his duty.

The council grew strong, with a young hellion called Turon rising through the ranks rapidly. Aldric was impressed with Turon, and gradually handed more and more power to the knight. Aldric began to worry that in his age, he had lost his ambition, and was holding the council back. He eventually told his men to treat Turon as the highest authority in the council, and deferred to Turon in the future.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:28 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
Aldric was my first character in this mud or any other. I feel I came a long way as a player, both rp-wise and pk-wise. Learning about emotes was a big day for me. So was learning about aliases. I was never a devastating force in pk, but I don’t think anyone took me lightly. By the end of things, my kill/death ratio was pretty good, thanks to the survivability and dangerousness of sorcs.

Aldric’s original concept was essentially a hellion of Sargas, heavily influenced by the teachings of Dulrik, with the skills of a sorcerer. He was honorable to a fault, but completely ruthless once a challenge was issued. He wouldn’t twist words like some hellions, either, but always honor both the spirit and the letter of his word, as his father taught him. His love of a good battle, combined with his sense of honor, caused him to deliberately wait until his enemy was properly prepared before striking. He would even hand out high-quality weapons to his enemies, both puzzling and infuriating them. The older he got, the less inclined he was to grant such courtesies, instead providing a warning, and striking soon after. The character he became is the character I had originally intended him to be. For various reasons, including my inexperience with game mechanics when I first started him, he wasn’t obviously “dark.” Looking back, I’m glad he got to evolve from a naïve youth into the dark character that he was always meant to be.

He was originally meant for MC, but I decided he didn’t fit with the MC as it was. Hence, the massive amount of fountain rp, just sitting around Nerina. I never quite had my heart in that, and only had fun with the character once I finally just joined the MC and got involved in serious rp/pk.

I deleted because while I love the character, he’s just not fun to play anymore. It might be that he had so many responsibilities that playing him was a chore, or it might just be that the concept got tired for me.

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to my SK experience. I will make an attempt to list everyone . . . but I will forget people. Please call me out on it if you feel you should have gotten a mention.

I want to thank Syn, Juniepur, Dimothenis, Jhorleb, Edoras, Bones, Maze, Algon, Sereona, SK_Phantom, Ighae, Grep, Tirn, Ilkaisha, Terrac, Ardith, Peso, demon_sk, Myranda, Parnys (don’t know any of her characters, but she’s made me laugh so many times on the forums that she gets a mention), Jorinthia, Isra, Sakhul, Renthar, Petrus, Khurt, Methias, Falgos, Ragnal, Dark-Avenger, Aise, Faerti, Hanathena, Bahrim, Gahlrin, JVJ, Mitch, Mandarbb, laeZ1, allikat, archaicsmurf, Demon_SK, Maraigh, Mundufisen, Ssessil, Jenji, Orius, Prince Lathron, Losquaty, Greyforth, and of course the IMMs for making it all possible.

I know I’m forgetting people . . . feel free to call me out on it if you should have gotten a mention.

Last edited by Baldric on Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:33 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:41 am
Posts: 2596
Location: Witness Protection
SK Character: Cyndane - Talys
Aldric was great. Loved him on Eziri and Ealuriel.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:45 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
Your approach both in-game and around here has been nothing short of inspirational, baldric. Thanks for sharing Aldric with us.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:36 pm
Posts: 340
A great, great character. Really liked all the interactions I had with you on Verek/Xantium. Too bad I didn't get to RP with you much on my new one. Hope you return with something as sexy as him.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:11 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:47 pm
Posts: 3776
Location: Virginia
SK Character: Amorette
I am shocked that this is your first character. I was a little jealous of the sorc competition, but you were really the best and everyone else knew it. Aldric was Faerti's student, friend, enemy, and rival in a lot of different ways.

I was sad to see this - you didn't have THAT long to age death! but I know your characters are magic and I look forward to what you're doing next. Thanks for bringing such an interesting RP and good PK to the Shattered Kingdoms arena. Lots and lots of love for this character.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:54 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 02, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 1444
Location: New York
Nothing but love for this character. SK picked up a great player. Looking forward to interacting with more of yours.

How did you find SK, by the way? Did a friend introduce you or what? I think it's pretty safe to say that this is by far the most successful first character I've ever seen.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:02 pm 
Gold Donor

Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 11:20 pm
Posts: 2109
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Never had a single complaint about any of our interactions, was a great character.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:23 pm 

Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 4:37 pm
Posts: 553
Location: New York
SK Character: ArchaicSmurf
Aldric is an epic character and a piece of my sk history. You are correct in your thoughts on how he was perceived abroad. I always felt Aldric, despite enjoying War, was rational, honorable, and determined in whatever his goals happened to be. Excellent at exercising self-control and making conversation.

Well done, sir. Hats off.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:14 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2003 5:21 pm
Posts: 1174
Location: Dänimarka
Great character, come back on another.

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