Evwyn wrote:
Despite how much they are whined about, I always enjoy interacting with your characters.
Why is that? I think they must just all be so awesome that people are forced to make something 'wrong' with them to be able to complain about.
And ya, minette hit it on the head somewhat. It's not just the trauma of no rp kills or finding eq or not getting back to life etc, but its the fact that those are the only aspects of the game lately. Rewards versus punishments is the system that best trains people and that people find themselves struggling willingly in, but sk's system is lacking seriously on the rewards end.
And I've been playing a lot of a beta version of a Dota knockoff that is just killer. And in this game, I happen to be a decent pk'er
PM me when the player count averages closer to 40 and ill roll something, but until then I cant justify investing so much time in such a small group.
BY THE WAY! Not every player left is a douchebag, however when the pbase is as small as it has gotten, the ratio of douchebag to decent players has grown exponentially, as has the probability that the percentage of the pbase that any one character might interact with in their life time will be one of these douchebags.