Shattered Kingdoms

Auto-Delete: Tlennan Illitero
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Author:  furtive_death [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Auto-Delete: Tlennan Illitero

This is half an acknowledgment of Tlennan and half a heeeeey to the handful of people who may remember me as a player (Welfin, Uillean, Aerundir, Toeb). I haven't been playing for I think a year and a half or so, since taking a pretty serious job full-time. But I've come crawling back like we all do, so yeah, HEY!

Tlennan hired on to the midnight council for the express purpose of personal gain. He manipulated the council as much as anyone else he came across. He was extremely satisfying in his level of success and the stunts I was able to pull over on folks while playing him, I don't think I'd ever done ev0l quite as thoroughly. So thanks to all the rubes <3 Seeing as its been a year since he was active, I will forgo any more depth for this eulogy. Mostly wanted to say 'Hi!'.


Author:  Dexity [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

AW!!! i was hopping for a return at some point from him.. gjob i saw this char with a few throughout the time he existed and it was always well!!!

Author:  Kira [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tlennan was always really mysterious to me, but always quite the gentleman to my character. I was wondering where he ran off to, and was also hoping that he would be back soon. Fun character, he is one I'll have trouble forgetting.

Author:  Minette [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

holy cow i got to say tlennan was a memorable and a good character (not in the sense of alignment but quality)

he was pretty good at pk too i remember finding him as a very dangerous rival

also you were very quick with the disguises and very very incredibly good use of polymorphs, very few people on sk has that caliber

well done grats

Author:  Karvik [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Man some of them chars are old, I liked them all except Aerundir ewww, but yeah Tlennan rocked well done.

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