Shattered Kingdoms

[PAR Sor] [DRUID] Faerti Dannerson
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Author:  ladyjennbo [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  [PAR Sor] [DRUID] Faerti Dannerson

This was hard. Very hard. I cried while typing delete. But I don't want to be one of those leaders who fades out, leaving her group behind. I also don't want to be one of those leaders who hoards leadership positions forever and ever and no one else gets a chance to make their characters shine.

But mostly, I got another job on top of the one I have, and since my last semester of college is about to start, I need to buckle down. SK was taking over my life and I was using it as an outlet for my depression, to escape the outside world and all the stress I have. I love love SK, but I can't let that happen to my loved ones or to my ambitions or goals.

I'll probably still be around on my favorite alt, Seremela, from time to time. But I can't have an active character, especially a PAR-religion-faction leader one.

o [Attributes] Faerti Dannerson - Mira's Chosen, Protector of Balance o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Half-elf Class: Sorceror o
o Age: 79 Sex: Female Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Scrupulous Handiness: Right handed Religion: Mira o
o STR: Strong INT: Genius WIS: Wise o
o DEX: Nimble CON: Healthy CHA: Influential o
o Carrying capacity: 17 items with a maximum weight of 205.0 pounds. o

o [Scores] Faerti, Dannerson - Mira's Chosen, Protector of Balance o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Half-elf Class: Sorceror o
o Kingdom: Taslamar Cabal: Druids of the Wild Reaches (Leader) o
o Coins: 4 obsidian, 9 platinum, 7 gold, 4 silver, 6 copper o
o Carrying: 0/17 items Load: 76.7/205.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Power hungry Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 15 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are standing. o
o You are over one-third of the way to the next level. o
o You have played 1285 hour(s) so far. o

(had to get a breath of life once before)

Amateur - armor (superb) change sex (superb)
detect buried (superb) detect magic (superb)
magic missile (mastered) ventriloquate (superb)
Novice - color spray (mastered) continual light (superb)
detect hidden (mastered) detect invis (mastered)
fly (superb) invis (superb)
Initiate - enlarge (mastered) giant strength (superb)
identify (mastered) infravision (superb)
shrink (mastered) sleep (superb)
Apprentice- acid blast (mastered) cancellation (superb)
mirror image (superb) shield (superb)
teleport (superb) understand (superb)
Journeyman- airy water (superb) charm person (superb)
dispel magic (superb) etherealform (mastered)
haste (superb) tongues (superb)
Veteran - locate object (mastered) mass invis (superb)
XXX (mastered) polymorph (superb)
summon (mastered)
Expert - XXX (superb) detect aura (superb)
enchant armor (mastered) enchant weapon (mastered)
recharge (superb)
Mentor - depetrification (superb) XXX (mastered)
gate (mastered) petrification (superb)
spell ward (superb)
Master - XXX (superb) final strike (not learned)

Amateur - dagger (superb) siegecraft (fair)
sling (good) staff (superb)
dodge (mastered) scrolls (superb)
staves (mastered) swim (mastered)
wands (mastered) taslamaran tongue (mastered)
uxmaln tongue (mastered) zhensh tongue (mastered)
empire tongue (mastered) aghelian tongue (mastered)
sylvan tongue (mastered) firmyrn tongue (mastered)
deep tongue (mastered) taslamaran writing (mastered)
uxmaln writing (mastered) zhensh writing (mastered)
empire writing (mastered) aghelian writing (mastered)
sylvan writing (mastered) firmyrn writing (mastered)
deep writing (mastered) druid cipher (mastered)
Novice - meditation (mastered)
Apprentice- crossbow (good)
Journeyman- XXX (mastered) trance (mastered)
Veteran - self defense (superb)
Expert - scribe (superb)

Faerti was too rash for me to play sometimes. She got on my nerves (as I imagine she did on yours sometimes too) but I also fell in love with her because she was fearless, free, and full of many different personality traits... "Contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes..." I hope you liked her as much as I did, but I imagine I'll get varied responses across the board. But whatever you thought of her - she was always trying to help other people. The last thing she did was enchant people's weapons and induct someone. Gave away almost all her belongings.

SK is still an amazing game. Background (LOOONG) coming in next point.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Faerti’s afterlife story

Faerti never had a concept when I created her. I have an affinity for spellcasters and for Taslamar, so I thought I’d start there after a yearlong break from SK. I never intended her to become anything – she was just my “playing around” character. Boy did that come unhinged fast. If I hadn’t risen to popularity so quickly, I would have deleted her…. A half-elf sorc has got to be the worst race/class combo there is.

Faerti Dannerson, named after the Hammer crusaders of old from a distant relative, was from Everclear. She had grown up being teased and called “Farty” by the local kids – something that the Harlequins would later find out and use to their teasing advantage. She was never very strong, but found, when teased, she was able to emit some sort of magical powers – so when the time came to leave Everclear and study, she chose the common mage profession as her lifelong studies.

Naturally, with this came a natural draw to Mira. See, Faerti had a secret that she shared with few people. She was half deep-elf.

Her very principled human father, known only to the villagers as Mr. Dannerson, was charmed by an evil deep-elf Matron (when Ealuriel came along, I imagined her to be very much like this character) and under this charm, he was used for her sexual needs. Then, one day, the deep-elf became pregnant. A purist, she was disgusted to birth a halfbreed child, and tried in vain to abort the pregnancy, but something magical - Mira, the womb of the Unknown – prevented such from occurring.

During childbirth, the Matron lost her concentration on the charm spell, and Mr. Dannerson, realizing what was occurring, found the discarded infant about to be sacrificed to evil gods. He rescued her and escaped the depths of Ch’zzrym, returning to Everclear. Ashamed to admit his fate, he told everyone that he had run away with a beautiful elven woman who had died giving birth to his child. He raised Faerti as well as he could – Faerti was really a work in the Nature vs. Nurture argument – and until she was ten, she believed her father’s story as much as the rest of the Everclear village.

When she was finally told the truth, she “ran away” outside the village (to what would later become her grove for the Druids) and stayed there for a full three days before returning, and deciding that she would not allow her heritage to keep her from becoming what she wanted to become. Learning of her birth she realized it was a miracle she was alive at all and she would never put that to waste.

After training in Exile for a bit, she realized that Mira was calling to her. She approached Dolgon, who she certainly did not know was part of the Black Hand, and devoted her life to Magic and Mystery. Dolgon turned out to be short-lived, and Ryveius and Xorvithien were the characters who helped shape her ideas about Magic and Mystery. The only way she differed from the former two was in her deep, abiding hatred for necromancy. She thought it was an unnatural, displeasing magic form to Mira, who, in her opinion, intended her spells to be used in sync with the ways of nature, not against it.

At first I never intended to put Faerti into any cabals. She was approached by the Peacekeepers, Hammer, and the Fist and turned them all down. Then an intimidating hellion named Ralina approached her about the Druids. I’d had a Nashiran priestess with a short stint in the Druids before, and I thought they were boooooring. But the more I listened to Ralina’s words about the Druids, the more I realized Faerti was perfect for them – she was certainly not a crusader, and believed that the matter of one’s heart was a very personal thing, and not to be judged by anyone.

She had made friends of all hearts, and while she might disagree with them, she thought them necessary – but for what? When Ralina spoke of the Balance, she knew. She knew that her love of Magic and of Nature was altogether entwined, and that none of this was a coincidence. She joined the Druids and devoted her life and soul to them for the rest of her existence. And from a player’s perspective, even if the Druids had been boring before, now they were just amazing. All the different types of people and personalities came together wonderfully, leading to lots of fun interactions and interesting conflict.

Meanwhile, she was a very flirtatious, fun character – mostly thanks to Aise, Xorvithien, and Edman. (fountain rp ftw) Two men in particular had caught her eye, Myson and Corelieon. Both wanted her hand, and she regularly refused them anything more than simple kissing and flirting.

Then, one day, both disappeared from the realms. She grew lonely and miserable, and realized that perhaps she should have settled down when she had the chance. The first one to reappear was Corelieon, and in order to “keep” him, she bed him, only to be left and heartbroken for Nosephthyki (and many others) immediately afterward.

But from this, she became pregnant. Around the same time Myson had come back as well, and he had it in his heart to ask her to be his. She had fallen in love with Myson at the same time being abandoned by Corelieon, but she was scared to admit to either one. Eventually, after telling Corelieon, he left his other women for her. Faerti knew it didn’t feel quite right, but she told Myson – she was pregnant with Corelieon’s child and could not marry him.

She died once while pregnant to demons in the Wastelands, and rather than ignore this like other “pregnant” characters seem to do, I made it into some RP for the child. He was protected thanks to the Magic of Mira, but he was born blind and his eyes scarred. She named him Corwin Dannerson, since Corelieon’s surname had been lost in time.

Due to her affiliations with the Druids, she knew she would be unable to keep him safe. She left him with the elven priestess in the Temple of Healing outside of Everclear, which was also in her grove. Between the elven priestess of Meissa and the magical inclinations of Faerti, they were able to improve his vision year by year and eventually fashion him a magical pair of glasses that would stay on his head as if it were a part of his body. The child Corwin (played by my real life husband!) eventually became a priest of Meissa.

Shortly after officially marrying Corelieon in a quickie marriage in front of Judge Atzalyn, he disappeared again. She was heartbroken, but not surprised, and much of the next twenty years would be spent in secret agony shared only with Hanathena, Aise, Xorvithien, Kawl, and some of her other best friends.

Then came the much talked about final strike in the inn of Exile. What had been some simple joking with my husband while I was half paying attention to the game (like I usually do) turned into one of the biggest RPs of my life. She had made all the current Peacekeepers and some of her best friends absolutely furious and she had to RP it out. She was tarnished in the Druids, banished and deported from Taslamar, and not to mention, had the FS flag, and a huge jail sentence. I knew OOCly I’d have a hell of time getting it removed, especially since Caeserea had just done some elaborate RP to get rid of a perfectly valid FS flag.

Ain was especially helpful during this time, and I’m not sure what I would have done without him. She reincarnated to go to jail, and spent thirty some IC days there while being harassed constantly by lightie friends which she had once held dear. Anyway, after the FS, her experience with Ain had changed her. She was no longer nearly as silly, except when yelling jokes from a jail cell, and she became more serious and contemplative, realizing that every action had an effect on something, even if it was a little one.

This is, ironically, where her much-gossiped about friendship with Maraigh began. Maraigh was a deep-elf she simply had conversations with in Taslamar, and after this, he wanted to talk to her more. He’d break into jail just to talk to her, and then, after her execution when she was fitted with Ain’s anti-magic collar, he protected her fiercely. This surprised Faerti, who always had such a negative view of deep-elves, with the exception of her dear Druid sister Nosephthyki, with whom she discovered many ancient Druid secrets and found ways to fight stagnation of the House.

Maraigh and Faerti became fast, deep friends. Nothing romantic came out of it, though they both knew they were in love with each other, even if it wasn’t in a romantic way. They argued constantly (especially when we were both cabal leaders) and often got in trouble with our respective friends of similar aura for their friendship. It wasn’t understood by many, but what had become simple conversation had turned into many adventures, serious discussions, and lots of dice games with gods. Eventually they entered romantic relationships with others – him with Nosephthyki, me with Myson – so it was somewhat changed after that, as often happens in real life when you have lots of close friendships with the opposite sex. But they still cared about each other deeply.

Somewhere before this time, Xorvithien had begun his cheating escapades on his wife (and one of Faerti’s best friends) Aise. He often tried to give Faerti “naked massages” which she denied. Xorvithien, always one of Faerti’s closest friends, began to disgust her. She was hurt when he died, but knew it was for the better.

After being abandoned by her husband for nearly two decades, Faerti felt she deserved an annulment of her marriage, and Vallyn agreed that Judge Atzalyn would see to it. Caeserea had forbid Myson from it, saying she had to get permission from both parties, and as Corelieon was never about, she never had permission. She was madly in love with Myson, his soft and gentle nature, and she wanted to be with him desperately, but he would always heed to whatever Caeserea said, thanks to their “honorbound” code. A long conversation with Nytomi finally changed things, and after Caeserea’s death, Myson had the courage to ask for Faerti’s hand. Too bad Myson deleted about three weeks later.

Their beliefs were distant, however. Faerti was an extremely non-judgmental lightie, as her time with the Druids taught her that every belief and every person (save for the vile practice of necromancy) has a purpose with nature. Myson was an ex-Hammer who judged darkies on sight and was often harsh in dealing with them. They differed and fought often over this, once coming to the terms of breaking up, almost.

There was lots of other conflict – so much I can’t possibly list it here. Very special thanks to (in no particular order) Xorvithien, Aise, Ralina, Hanathena (who reminded me so much of my best friend in real life it was scary), Kawl, Desicari, Nosephthyki, Maraigh, Myson, Lirdisstra, Myranda, Corelieon, Yuni, Aldric, Jaegyr, Tristala (the only one who cared about the Leviathan as much as she did!) Nytomi, Saxia, Chakos, Edman, Pertinax, Baba, Ilyash, Qualy, Yuni, Xantium, Ailee, Lailu, Evwyn, Ealuriel, Terrac, Bahrim, Aase, Arielyn, Vallyn (for the love of fashion!), Caeserea, Ezeant, and so many others. Ain and Achernar are probably the most helpful IMMs out there. They deserve a raise!

Anyone who was a Druid during the time, thank you – I can’t tell you how awesome you all are. Druids are often misunderstood, but the rich RP is one of the reasons I never deleted Faerti. Even through her personal strife, she had her principles a la the House of Wren and she stuck to them. Thanks to all you Mirans – it’s harder than you think to RP a Miran when there’s no literature and no hard-set rules or anything, and it’s so open-ended, but she LOOOOVED all people who had Magic in their hearts and Mystery on their minds.

Author:  xcheese08 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

:( I really liked her. It is a shame. Good luck with your life. Looking forward to your next main.

Author:  laeZ1 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I loved Faerti, 100%! But it wasn't until after the FS did my character start really getting close to her.
Have fun with college, and your jobs :D


Rynusi and Xorvithien were the characters who helped shape her ideas about Magic and Mystery.


Author:  ladyjennbo [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, I definitely meant.. RYVEIUS

Author:  Nyoethai [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

ladyjennbo wrote:
lol, I definitely meant.. RYVEIUS

Yeah, I was just about to give you a ton of crap about not mentioning me in your post.

Faerti was an interesting character, when I played Ryveius I had the pleasure of "getting to know" her a bit better. Every interaction I had with her, ranging from Ryveius to Gahnal was one that left me going "what the ... is she on?" but definitely left a lasting impression.

Good luck with the all that you have on your plate. I personally know what it's like working all the time plus having other responsibilities. It's a good time (not).

Author:  sleeper [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Faerti was a good character. Xorvithien always staunchly disagreed with her views on Necromancy, but otherwise, especially in his early days, Faerti was one of his closest friends.

Cheers and good luck. :drunk:


Author:  Konrin [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Byes. Always had fun interactions with Faerti, especially when you started running from my shadow. Good luck with real life, and your next char when you have time. :)

Author:  Dexity [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

she was great!

Author:  Raina [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I met Faerti with my VERY first char in the inn of Exile after Kentar(shoot i hope that was his name) told me i should try to help her out, as they were both his little newbies. I thought Faerti was great. I came back to play Sk after about eight months and she was still going strong, met her with my newly sprout char and became quick friends. You did a beautiful job, you added great RP to Sk. I wish you luck in your last year of school and I hope you have a great life girl!

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