For the past year or so I have been trying to get back into playing SK, but for some reason it just doesn't keep my attention, or I get to veteran or mentorish in level and decide that the characters class just isn't what I'm looking for. So, I've spent the past few months trolling the forums and looking for something to spark my interest but I just can't find it. It is in no fault anything to do with the game, but of my own accord.
I'm going off to find some other game to entertain me, and if any of the new players who I've been helping along still need my advice feel free to send a pm to me still, since the message alerts are forwarded to my emails and I'll get back to you. If anyone else wants to keep in touch with me drop me a pm, or an email and I'll let you know how to get in touch with me. I won't be checking up on the forums any longer after today like I have been, so take care everyone and thanks for the good times.