Owned by auto-deletion. GM (Off of Misha too, I might add), He had lousy STR, 4 DEX, max INT, WIS, CHA, and was about 4 off of max CON with 9 art trains and a few HP trains IIRC. Scrupulous. The important skills/spells were mastered or at least superg.
I had tentative plans to bring him back at some point in the future with age benefits, but apparently forgot to log in this past month and the monthly reboot got him. Shucks. The freemen of Exile no longer have to worry about the overzealous centaur burning them to a crisp in the process of necromancer killing.
It's late, considering he hasn't been active, but if anyone cared, he ain't coming back. All things considered, centaur was generally a poor choice given the build I went with him, and it was frustrating being unable to do as much EQ-gathering solo as I wanted to, given that there weren't a whole lot of allies around when I played him. I left the Peacekeepers and went inactive with him when I got the chance to put my gnome merc in the hammer. Man was that depressing after playing a human 24 HP trained barb.
ICly, Pyras was a zealous evil-slayer, willing to bend the rules (like having no qualms about fireballing freemen of exile if a necromancer with 20 wraiths was in the room with them and he was blinded), but never interested in needless slaughter (Attacking someone without even trying to reason with them was poor form for Pyras.) Not much of a backstory, and obviously not much of an ending RP. Thanks for all the peacekeepers as well as anyone else who fought alongside him.
Also, apologies for Navelic for totally screwing up that one Kol's Moot raid. (Getting my aliases mixed up caused me to first magma Navelic and then a fight later, rescue a necrophidious, sending our entire party to pot. We both lost all our loot to some real noobs)
Highlights of this character were finally putting Misha in jail (She deleted shortly afterwards), spam killing Pertinax, and getting owned by Feanor.