Started out extremely fun and showed promise but things very quickly turned sour. Most of the time I can only play from around midnight till early morning hours and there really is not many people who play then so I get horribly bored not being able to do anything. I think I'll probably roll an explorer class so I can actually entertain myself solo. Thanks to everyone who interacted with Zebastian you all made it a pleasure.
P.S. The Peace Keepers need some serious help its horribly inactive, I recommended merging the Peace Keepers with the Hammer so solve the numbers issue but also solve the problem of the Hammer also being "protectors" of Taslamar and always being outlawed for it.
I tried to do things from a grey aura perspective in Taslamar, it was quickly shot down by all the lighties. It was still worth a try though, to play a character who truly put Taslamar before all else.
Innate - hide (mastered) sneak (mastered)
Amateur - dagger (mastered) siegecraft (fair)
sling (not learned) sword (mastered)
dodge (mastered) dual wield (mastered)
parry (mastered) swim (superb)
taslamaran tongue (mastered) uxmaln tongue (superb)
zhensh tongue (mastered) empire tongue (superb)
aghelian tongue (very good) sylvan tongue (superb)
firmyrn tongue (superb) deep tongue (superb)
taslamaran writing (mastered) uxmaln writing (fair)
zhensh writing (very good) empire writing (very good)
aghelian writing (superb) sylvan writing (very good)
firmyrn writing (average) deep writing (fair)
Novice - dirt kicking (mastered) kick (mastered)
self defense (very good)
Initiate - disarm (superb) trip (mastered)
fast healing (superb) haggle (superb)
Apprentice- crossbow (superb) brawling (very good)
taunt (mastered) second attack (mastered)
Journeyman- enhanced damage (mastered) finesse (mastered)
Veteran - enhanced parry (superb) endurance (mastered)
Expert - skirmish (good) leadership (mastered)
Mentor - riposte (mastered)
o [Scores] Zebastian, the swordsman - Taslamaran Foot Soldier o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Halfling Class: Swashbuckler o
o Kingdom: Taslamar Cabal: The Peacekeepers (Leader) o
o Coins: zero o
o Carrying: 0/22 items Load: 0.0/300.0 pounds o
o Health: Slaughtered Mental: Fizzling Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are standing. o
o You still have a long way to go before the next level. o
o You have played 254 hour(s) so far. o
o [Attributes] Zebastian the swordsman - Taslamaran Foot Soldier o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Halfling Class: Swashbuckler o
o Age: 41 Sex: Male Size: Small o
o Alignment: Dogmatic Handiness: Right handed Religion: Pantheist o
o STR: Powerful INT: Dim WIS: Clever o
o DEX: Acrobatic CON: Durable CHA: Dynamic o
o Carrying capacity: 22 items with a maximum weight of 300.0 pounds. o
Str, dex, con, and cha were all naturally maxed out