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 Post subject: Shilk, Klavik
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:45 pm 
This is for all those wanting me to delete, these were my characters.

o [Attributes] Shilk. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Halfling Class: Necromancer o
o Age: 39 Sex: Female Size: Small o
o Alignment: Diabolic Handiness: Left handed Religion: Pantheist o
o STR: Weak INT: Genius WIS: Wise o
o DEX: Awkward CON: Durable CHA: Dynamic o
o Carrying capacity: 9 items with a maximum weight of 175.0 pounds. o

[HP:100%] [ME: 77%] [PE:100%]

o [Scores] Shilk,. o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Halfling Class: Necromancer o
o Kingdom: Uxmal Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 9 platinum, 8 gold, 5 silver o
o Carrying: 6/9 items Load: 71.9/175.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Fizzling Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 25 percent Mode: Kill/neutral o
o You are standing. o
o You have just begun your journey to the next level. o
o You have played 136 hour(s) so far. o

Forgot to grab Klaviks stats, he was master five an like one third from champion, grey auraed priest of yed.

This is coming from a bunch of small irritations adding up over time, quite a bit from this last update. The main problem is I am not having fun with either character, or any character for matter. RP usually isn't that hard to find, but a good chunk of the time you have to look for it.

There is no point in playing the game when it feels like more of a chore than a relaxation thing. Characters are still pretty easy to level as long as you stick to your guns and your areas. It is too much of a pain being a low level with no way to make decent coin to get gacked while trainig over something stupid. The NPCs in the outpost had their blindness removed and handed weapons they can use so that was a surprise when you get your [REDACTED] handed to you by a kobold.

Like many people over time it is just a bunch of small [REDACTED] that piles up and you decide it's just not worth it anymore.

Many will be like WOW is nothing but leveling and grinding, well yeah I know I enjoy that, I enjoy not getting randomly charmed by some twit who wants to abuse charm, I enjoy being able to quelch people and not have to deal with them, and when someone else breaks the rules they are dealt with, that is the biggest thing.

So anyhow I have tamed down my attitude, been in a good place for a while and not being super depressed makes trying to find fun in the game nonexsistant. The NEED to play this game has finally been killed by the NEED to grind levels,coin, and what have you. The mud is finally heading in a direction I just can't see dealing with.

So thanks Algon for the help leveling.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:15 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:58 pm
Posts: 3632
Location: Spokane, WA
I really don't get this you can't make money at low levels, crap. I am just now at lvl 10, and I already have 5 obsidian (none of which was given).

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:16 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
Posts: 5614
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
Enjoy WoW. Sorry your experience was a poor one.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:22 pm 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 12:50 pm
Posts: 400
I greatly enjoyed the interactions I had between us two. Especially the ones involving Charm Person. I always felt this character was a bit on the cliche side, but you managed to pull it off well in the end and props for doing that thing with the hammer. You remember which.

Sorry I never got around to that whole RP we had started a bit before you deleted.

Muktar wrote:
I really don't get this you can't make money at low levels, crap. I am just now at lvl 10, and I already have 5 obsidian (none of which was given).


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:48 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
Stop spamming me on Ym for help leveling a new character. I understand you are having trouble, but that doesn't mean every week I need a new conversation about your latest alt.

Dramatic afterlife ftw

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