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 Post subject: Eifas Von Strought, me for a while
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:02 am 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 5:21 am
Posts: 107
Location: Pennsylvania
A quiet corner
With the tables and chairs a little more spread out, and with the music
off in the distance, this corner of the Common Room is good for some quiet
conversation with a friend. People come and go more leisurely here, their
pace slower than those patrons sitting closer to the dance floor or bar. A
waitress comes to take your order, and reminds you that if this quiet corner
isn't private enough, there are booths along the side that might suit you
Obvious exits: sw
An old man stands here in deep thought.

[HP: 94%] [ME: 14%] [PE: 96%]
> You go to sleep.

[HP: 94%] [ME: 14%] [PE: 96%]
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

[HP:100%] [ME: 22%] [PE:100%]
You are awakened by someone.

[HP:100%] [ME: 22%] [PE:100%]
Someone slams into you and sends you sprawling!
You yell 'Guards! Someone is trying to murder me!'
A gangly male giant fades into existence.
Your armor protects you from the physical affects of a gangly male giant's bash.

[HP:100%] [ME: 22%] [PE:100%]
You slice at a gangly male giant's chest, causing only a minor wound.
You slice at a gangly male giant's chest, causing a deep gash.
A gangly male giant dodges your attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant pierces at your left arm, tearing open a big bleeding wound!
A gangly male giant pierces at your right hand, ripping a small wound.
A gangly male giant pierces at your stomach, causing a small wound.
Overall, a gangly male giant has some small wounds and bruises.

[HP: 87%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 99%]
A gangly male giant parries your attack.
You slice at a gangly male giant's chest, causing a deep gash.
A gangly male giant pierces at your stomach, opening a painful, bleeding wound!
A gangly male giant pierces at your right arm, slicing a painful wound across it!
You parry a gangly male giant's attack.
You parry a gangly male giant's attack.
Overall, a gangly male giant has some small wounds and bruises.

[HP: 72%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 99%]
A gangly male giant parries your attack.
You slice a gangly male giant's chest, causing a gaping wound!
A gangly male giant parries your attack.
A gangly male giant pierces at your chest, smashing a small but painful wound.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant pierces at your stomach. BLOOD gushes out!
A gangly male giant pierces at your left arm, ripping flesh as if it were butter!
Overall, a gangly male giant has some small wounds and bruises.

[HP: 54%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
You regain your footing.

[HP: 54%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
A gangly male giant slams into you and sends you sprawling!
A gangly male giant's bash knocks the wind out of you.

[HP: 53%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
You slice a gangly male giant's chest, causing a gaping wound!
A gangly male giant pierces at your right arm, ripping flesh as if it were butter!
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant misses you.
Overall, a gangly male giant has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 48%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
> Huh? Type 'help' for a list of commands.

[HP: 48%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
A gangly male giant parries your attack.
You slice at a gangly male giant's chest, DISEMBOWELING him!
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant winces as a series of fractures appears on a barbed battle spear!
A gangly male giant misses you.
A gangly male giant pierces at your chest, causing a deep gash.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
Overall, a gangly male giant has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 42%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
> You need to regain your feet first.

[HP: 42%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
A gangly male giant stops flying.

[HP: 42%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
A gangly male giant parries your attack.
You slice at a gangly male giant's head, causing a small but painful wound.
You parry a gangly male giant's attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant pierces at your stomach. ENTRAILS fall to the ground!
Overall, a gangly male giant has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 37%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
A quiet corner
With the tables and chairs a little more spread out, and with the music
off in the distance, this corner of the Common Room is good for some quiet
conversation with a friend. People come and go more leisurely here, their
pace slower than those patrons sitting closer to the dance floor or bar. A
waitress comes to take your order, and reminds you that if this quiet corner
isn't private enough, there are booths along the side that might suit you
Obvious exits: sw
A gangly male giant is here, fighting YOU!
An old man stands here in deep thought.

[HP: 37%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
[HP: 37%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
You strike suddenly, slicing at a gangly male giant's chest! Some GUTS fall!
You strike suddenly, slicing at a gangly male giant's chest! Some GUTS fall!
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
You parry a gangly male giant's attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
Overall, a gangly male giant has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 37%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
You regain your footing.

[HP: 37%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
A gangly male giant slams into you and sends you sprawling!
A gangly male giant's bash knocks the wind out of you.

[HP: 36%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
> You need to regain your feet first.

[HP: 36%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 98%]
You slice a gangly male giant's head, tearing open a bleeding wound!
A gangly male giant parries your attack.
A gangly male giant pierces at your chest, causing a gaping wound!
A gangly male giant pierces at your left arm, ripping flesh as if it were butter!
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
Overall, a gangly male giant has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 28%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
You slice a gangly male giant's head, tearing open a bleeding wound!
You strike suddenly, slicing at a gangly male giant's chest! Some GUTS fall!
A gangly male giant pierces at your stomach. ENTRAILS fall to the ground!
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant pierces at your right arm, cutting muscle and bone!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Overall, a gangly male giant has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

[HP: 16%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
> You need to regain your feet first.

[HP: 16%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
You miss a gangly male giant.
You parry a gangly male giant's attack.
You parry a gangly male giant's attack.
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant misses you.
Overall, a gangly male giant has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

[HP: 16%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
You miss a gangly male giant.
Your right arm has been severed!
A silver bracelet with purple beads falls off from you.
A gold ring with a forest-green stone falls off from you.
An intricately etched katana falls off from you.
Everything goes red as a gangly male giant's blow hits, slicing your right arm!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A gangly male giant pierces at your chest, ripping open your stomach!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your shield blocks a gangly male giant's attack.
A gangly male giant misses you.
Overall, a gangly male giant has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

[HP: 5%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
You regain your footing.

[HP: 5%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
A gangly male giant slams into you and sends you sprawling!
A gangly male giant's bash knocks the wind out of you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

[HP: 4%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
> You need to regain your feet first.

[HP: 4%] [ME: 22%] [PE: 97%]
A gangly male giant dodges your attack.
You lose your concentration on emperors favor.
You no longer feel favored.
A gangly male giant strikes suddenly, piercing at your chest! Your GUTS fall!
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your left arm has been severed!
Everything goes dark as you feel your arm fall to the ground!
You have been KILLED!!

[HP: 0%] [ME: 22%] [PE:100%]
[HP: 0%] [ME: 22%] [PE:100%]

Players found: 17

[HP: 0%] [ME: 22%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant gets a crudely hammered, copper quiver from a corpse of Eifas.

[HP: 5%] [ME: 26%] [PE:100%]
> You ask 'That was for?'

[HP: 5%] [ME: 26%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant says 'My city is in a hoqrible recession. You trainin' off my citizens only makes this worse.'

[HP: 5%] [ME: 26%] [PE:100%]
> You chuckle.

[HP: 5%] [ME: 26%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant gets an intricately etched katana.

[HP: 5%] [ME: 26%] [PE:100%]
[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
> You ask 'So theiving makes it right aswell?'

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant puts an intricately etched katana in a crudely hammered, copper quiver.
A gangly male giant puts a single copper coin in a crudely hammered, copper quiver.
A gangly male giant puts 6 silver coins in a crudely hammered, copper quiver.
A gangly male giant puts 4 gold coins in a crudely hammered, copper quiver.
A gangly male giant puts 2 platinum coins in a crudely hammered, copper quiver.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant gets a dark amulet set with a simple orb from a corpse of Eifas.
A gangly male giant gets a pair of adamantite tassets etched with a raven from a corpse of Eifas.
A gangly male giant gets an adamantite great helm etched with a raven from a corpse of Eifas.
A gangly male giant gets a necklace of raven claws from a corpse of Eifas.
A gangly male giant gets an adamantite breastplate etched with a raven from a corpse of Eifas.
A gangly male giant gets a pair of adamantite sabatons etched with a raven from a corpse of Eifas.
A gangly male giant gets an adamantite plate fauld etched with a raven from a corpse of Eifas.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant drops an adamantite plate fauld etched with a raven.
A gangly male giant drops a pair of adamantite sabatons etched with a raven.
A gangly male giant drops an adamantite breastplate etched with a raven.
A gangly male giant drops a necklace of raven claws.
A gangly male giant drops an adamantite great helm etched with a raven.
A gangly male giant drops a pair of adamantite tassets etched with a raven.
A gangly male giant drops a dark amulet set with a simple orb.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant junks everything in the room.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
A gangly male giant walks southwest.
You hear foot steps nearby.
You hear the distant fury of battle.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]

Players found: 16

[HP: 11%] [ME: 31%] [PE:100%]
> You tell Navelic 'Nice rp'

[HP: 11%] [ME: 30%] [PE:100%]
> They can only hear you while manifested.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 30%] [PE:100%]
> You eerily manifest your spirit to the living.

[HP: 11%] [ME: 23%] [PE:100%]

Navelic replies 'OOC: Nice breaking character. '

[HP: 15%] [ME: 20%] [PE:100%]
[MIDNIGHT] Faelyn: Farewell, Sire.

[HP: 15%] [ME: 20%] [PE:100%]
[HP: 15%] [ME: 20%] [PE:100%]
Amateur - cause light (mastered) curse (superb)
Novice - blindness (mastered) chill touch (superb)
deafness (superb) detect invis (superb)
Initiate - cause serious (not learned) detect hidden (superb)
invis (superb) poison (superb)
Apprentice- identify (superb) protection (superb)
weaken (superb)
Journeyman- plague (fair) shield (not learned)
Veteran - cause critical (not learned) rift (superb)
Expert - detect aura (very good) hellfire (mastered)
Mentor - domination (good) word of recall (superb)
midnight (good)
Master - emperors favor (superb)

[HP: 15%] [ME: 20%] [PE:100%]
Amateur - spear (very good) axe (superb)
dagger (very good) flail (not learned)
mace (good) polearm (mastered)
siegecraft (not learned) sling (not learned)
sword (mastered) shield block (mastered)
swim (superb) taslamaran tongue (superb)
uxmaln tongue (mastered) zhensh tongue (superb)
empire tongue (mastered) aghelian tongue (superb)
sylvan tongue (superb) firmyrn tongue (superb)
deep tongue (mastered) taslamaran writing (very good)
uxmaln writing (superb) empire writing (mastered)
aghelian writing (superb) midnight cipher (superb)
Novice - parry (very good) second attack (mastered)
hide (superb) sneak (superb)
Initiate - combat casting (mastered) self defense (not learned)
Apprentice- enhanced damage (mastered) endurance (mastered)
fast healing (superb) haggle (mastered)
Journeyman- brawling (not learned) third attack (superb)
midnight plate (very good)
Veteran - crossbow (very good) cleave (mastered)
shield wall (very good)
(C)ontinue - (R)efresh - (B)ack - (H)elp - (Q)uit [RETURN]:Expert - dodge (not learned) leadership (superb)
meditation (mastered)
Mentor - intimidate (good)

[HP: 15%] [ME: 20%] [PE:100%]
> Type delete again to confirm this command.
WARNING: this command is irreversible.
Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.

[HP: 15%] [ME: 20%] [PE:100%]
> Alas, all good things must come to an end.
You release all your spells.

Well Navelic wasn't the only one, just waking to a pk with no rp and giving hardly any reason after wards. Kudos. Enjoy the game where Pk and douchbagness collide.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:09 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
Pretty outrageous MCer who was way too much like a 13 year old kid that I interacted with as Olian. I barely spoke on that character but I still had to tell you to stop spamming CB once with stupid comments.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:00 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:58 pm
Posts: 946
Location: Tennessee
Every time I see a rage delete I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:46 pm 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 5:21 am
Posts: 107
Location: Pennsylvania
wasnt really mad bud, just bored

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:51 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:09 pm
Posts: 27
Osterich2.0 wrote:
wasnt really mad bud, just bored

Before you complain about things, consider this - you are murdering people in a country. Do cops say "please stop it" when they see you a stabbing a defenseless woman? Or do they shoot you on sight?

Second, if he had come in, said please stop doing that (which is stupid for a law enforcement officer to behave when witnessing a crime), or said you will be now killed for your crimes would you a)rem all, drop all, and wait to die or b) type flee/c word/cleave/etc in order to gain the upper hand and escape?

Before you fly off the handle about NO ARPEEEZ, remember him killing you for breaking the law is RP, just like you killing innocents to arise in power as an evil knight.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:00 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:36 am
Posts: 1471
First off, you are really wrong in your assumations.

Nothing in that logs shows that Nav saw him murder anyone! He was going to sleep. No law enforcement agent has the license to shoot on sight! They have to make a judgement call about if they feel threated. Perhaps it was just me, but I didnt see Nav be threated by a sleeping person.

What people fail to understand is that lighty (as a rule of thumb) should ask questions first. Not kill first then ask question. I admit that should not always be the case, but most of the time.

If he was breaking the law then it would be a law zone. But it is not. It is a leveling area. Unless Nav saw him kill someone there, you cant just make the link that because there is something on the floor here that so and so did it! That is just [REDACTED] poor RP

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:07 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:09 pm
Posts: 27
Light aura scrupulous alignment does not dictate that someone must go to court and obtain evidence that is past the burden of proof.

And...he was invisible so he may have seen it. You don't know that. Stop making assumptions there. And...he was killing citizens. His ME was low and odds are because he is evil (that is like putting charles manson around a bunch of dead babies then lecturing people on how shameful they are if they assume he did it) he did it. Annnnnd yes, the police have the right to kill you if you are putting someone in danger.

Want to prove that one? Take a hostage and put a knife to their neck at your local mall sometime.

I'm all for lighties giving second chances to other lighties and greybies, but if you are evil? Don't cry foul when a lightie shows some proactive prowess.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:09 pm 
Demon wrote:
Every time I see a rage delete I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Like watching child molestors die of testicular cancer.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:48 pm
Posts: 1608
Location: My heart's in <strike>Iraq</strike> Texas with my newly re-enlisted 'som' 'soq' daughter
SK Character: Galida Apelila Shaloush Mayumi
Carsetius wrote:
If he was breaking the law then it would be a law zone. But it is not. It is a leveling area.

There is no such thing as a leveling area. All areas with life are areas where something is living, that's all.
Carsetius wrote:
Unless Nav saw him kill someone there, you cant just make the link that because there is something on the floor here that so and so did it! That is just [REDACTED] poor RP

Nobody jumps to conclusions in real life? Nobody sees an area full of body parts and a single sleeping person and decides that sleeper must've done it? There's no difference between principled and scrupulous?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:36 am
Posts: 1471
Pushing 40:

There is such thing as a leveling area. Just because you dont want to call it that, does not make it less true.

Lots of people jumb to conclusions, I never said that they didn't. I just believe that one of the problems on this mud is that lighties are not held to a higher standard. They should be they are the upholders of Good. They need to attack like it. Kill first then ask questions later is not it.

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