I am a fairly new player, only having played for about a year and a half now (Phreya is ny first attempt at a character, Kouin, my second), and while that may seem insignificant to many of the veterans here, it seems like such a long time for me. I think I would have kept playing if not for a number of factors, both in game and IRL, which significantly decreased the fun of the game for me.
On Phreya, I would like to thank the characters (and in some cases players) of Eyrios, Lirimaer, Berconas, Tshotha, Stocaryn, Sithara, Aelraen, Alleli, Evereth and most of all Resren and Yavarisakran. Each of these characters, good or bad, had a strong influence on the development of Phreya and helped me to learn the game. Thanks go to the Harlies, and the faith of Sadal for providing me platforms for some great RP. For Imms, I would like to specially thank both the Previous Nashira and Thuban for having faith, perhaps misguided, in a little sprite and a new player.
I never really knew what I was doing with Phreya, and I suppose for some people's notion of what a lightie should be, she never quite fit the bill. But, I loved her all the same, and I can only hope some of you enjoyed any encounters you may have had with her.
On Kouin, I had a bit more direction, but it soon became messed up, and I have infinite gratitude to the characters, Alleli and Aliquada for giving her (me) a path to follow and a sound background in her faith. Thanks to the many and varied Darkies and some Lighties who RPed with her. Thanks go to the god (not staffer
although I am sure he is great too) Achernar who almost swayed her to His faith, but ended up only strengthening her resolve to devote herself to Algorab. And to Algorab who gave her the fear that drove her to attempt more than she was truly able.
I had a lot of plans for her, but I just don't have the time to commit to seeing them through.
If people want stats and stories, I will provide what I can at a later date, but this is kind of a quickie.
I apologize to all who I had ongoing RP with that was never completed. The greatest apologies must go to both the flocks of Sadal and Algorab who I am afraid I have left a bit to the whims of the Gods. I wished I could have come up with something neat and tidy and finished in an hour, but it just wasn't to be.
So long, and.. well, you all know the rest.