Shattered Kingdoms |
Carvahall, Warrior scholar of the South. |
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Author: | STFU_KTHX [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Carvahall, Warrior scholar of the South. |
Well, first off he was Grandmaster, my first. I specialized Katanas and Wakizashies, not for PK but for role play reason. He wasn't built to PK but I found out he was a rather good tank with only 4 HP trains. All of his skills were mastered, I spent alot of time on him. Um, I met alot of good people and RPed with some of my favorite characters since align didnt much matter to him. I was happy to have one final go before I deleted him, I tried to log on and say hello to everybody he was associated with before I left, im sure many of you are glad to see him go, and I know he was alittle newbish at times but hey, thats what makes the game fun. I tried to not ruin the game for others, esspecialy since that is what has made me delete in the past. For some of you that interacted with him later on, I hope for the best he had some impression on your characters. I was glad that there were some people out there that had a quarrel with him. and even though he was blemished for lieing I dont think he ever did, many things he said he held true, like when he was to afraid to strike kalysta, he never challenged her again. Sorry about what happened with Ceinwyn when he was a talon, though I tried to handle respectably afterwards. Im more then likely never going to play again, so I doubt ill check the reply on this thread so, say what you got to, flaming never bothered me. All the best to lighties and darkies alike. Some of my Favorite chars to Role play with are. Benjamin, Ceinwyn, Kalysta was alright. Aradan and yaubl both had a major impact on my guy. I had fun with alot of the darkies, esspecialy Tlennan who I knew was going to stab me in the back the second I gave the bard woman my katana to lore, but It was fine as I tried to not make PK and looting effect me. I wish I could have gone out more in style, but my absence im sure, made him dead to people before hand. Sorry if I forgot to mention you, also had fun with Aiden and Seth, Mariella was a good friend. The best of luck to all of you, and the imms for making such a great and fun game. |
Author: | Jardek [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:31 pm ] |
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I heard you're a stalker. How creepy! |
Author: | Chem [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:32 pm ] |
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You should just post all your deletions in one thread. You're worse than Peso. |
Author: | Kalen [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:46 pm ] |
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Aww. |
Author: | Muktar [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:03 pm ] |
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I like his chars, generally. I didn't meet this one, but generally they are at least decent. |
Author: | ilkaisha [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:06 pm ] |
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Carvahall was . . . blah. I wasn't particularly impressed or dismayed. He was like vanilla ice cream in a dish. No flames, no praise. I don't know why you're quitting, but I have my doubts about it sticking. . . . I guess you can thank Thran and Fepel for that. No one ever stays away. |
Author: | Gnimral [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:09 pm ] |
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No reply. |
Author: | Kirsenvar [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:49 pm ] |
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Well you started good man, but then you just went EQ crazy always asking me for stuff and all that. It got really annoying...Also that RP with Kalysta was hilarious but good rp. You didn't mention me man?! |
Author: | Teh_Peso [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:13 pm ] |
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I liked this one, I give you a week to recreate >_< |
Author: | Marshmellow_Dave [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:51 pm ] |
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You specialized in wakizashi for.. RP reasons? Does this have anything to do with wanting to make sure that you were the paradigm of efficiency when you drove to the wakizashi of seppuku into your sternum, like you did with the other last four of your characters before you deleted them, too? |
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