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 Post subject: [Hel Sco] Kegyce Sol'yc - Spectre of True Order
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:32 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 2637
Location: Floating in Previous Player Ether
Some of you saw that this was coming, but...ah, well.

o [Scores] Kegyce, Sol'yc - Spectre of True Order o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Half-elf Class: Scout o
o Kingdom: Wastes Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 3 platinum, 5 silver, 4 copper o
o Carrying: 22/22 items Load: 258.9/275.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Drained Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Kill/aggressive o
o You are thirsty. o
o You are standing. o
o You are almost eligible for a level advancement. o
o You have played 1310 hour(s) so far. o

o [Attributes] Kegyce Sol'yc - Spectre of True Order o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Half-elf Class: Scout o
o Age: 83 Sex: Male Size: Medium o
o Alignment: Aberrant Handiness: Right handed Religion: Ain-eye o
o STR: Powerful INT: Brilliant WIS: Naive o
o DEX: Acrobatic CON: Durable CHA: Dynamic o
o Carrying capacity: 22 items with a maximum weight of 275.0 pounds. o

Amateur - spear (mastered) axe (fair)
bow (mastered) dagger (average)
sling (fair) staff (not learned)
sword (mastered) whip (fair)
dirt kicking (superb) dodge (superb)
fletch (mastered) swim (mastered)
taslamaran tongue (mastered) uxmaln tongue (mastered)
zhensh tongue (mastered) empire tongue (mastered)
aghelian tongue (mastered) sylvan tongue (mastered)
firmyrn tongue (superb) deep tongue (mastered)
taslamaran writing (superb) uxmaln writing (superb)
zhensh writing (superb) empire writing (mastered)
aghelian writing (superb) sylvan writing (superb)
firmyrn writing (superb) deep writing (superb)
Novice - butcher (mastered) endurance (mastered)
sneak (mastered) tame (mastered)
Initiate - shield block (mastered) second attack (mastered)
camouflage (mastered) herbalism (mastered)
Apprentice- parry (superb) rescue (not learned)
self defense (not learned) skin (mastered)
Journeyman- disguise (superb) brawling (not learned)
climb (very good) pathfinding (mastered)
Veteran - third attack (mastered) fast healing (mastered)
haggle (very good) tracking (superb)
Expert - enhanced damage (mastered) rapid shot (mastered)
skirmish (superb) snare (superb)
Mentor - crossbow (not learned) ambush (superb)

Popular disguises to use: Frumious, Spartan

Kegyce was born from a wandering, nomadic group of desert bandits - it was by fate that he happened to be born in the Imperial controlled part of it. He was taught how to fight at thirteen - taught to kill at sixteen. He became good enough at it - enough so that he killed his own father in protest of a greedy action that went against the clan's creed. Rather than lauding his decisive actions, Kegyce was ousted from the clan for patricide, and so he made his way to Kytar - the home of many an upstart washout.

Kegyce hat always harbored a bitter resentment for those that broke the law, and so he sought the Lord of Order. The High Followers tasked him to venture to Teron, to observe it - to learn why it was both the "uncontested brewing point of chaos, and the greatest testament to Order". It was this quest itself that largely shaped, and overran his life. His decision was that not only was Teron a hallmark of chaos, but that Pyrathia itself was a larger version of Teron. A place that would always BE chaotic without intervention. A leap of logic led Kegyce to device that there were two ways of accomplishing this - get every continent to be involved in unity against one thing, or to destroy everything, and return the plane to a state of nonexistence. These two goals were things he'd waffle and contest with himself over for the rest of his life.

He started off by trying the task of destroying everything - which led him to attempt to seek out like minded "allies"; namely, the Adepts of the Blood Path. He became one, but due to the unit's prior associations with a High Follower of Chaos - and Order not completely seen as a "Dark" god, he began to operate on his own - or with the Empire, whom he began to develop a relationship with as his cover. A need for power, however, led him to attempt a plot to overthrow the current leader of the Adepts - a hellion of Fear - by expanding his "base of resources" in the Empire through a marriage with the current leader of the Midnight Council.

The plan fell through with the dissolution of the group, however, and Kegyce found himself in a relationship that no longer served a purpose - which he quickly grew to resent. The combination of his increasing feelings of apathy and the sitation forced onto him made him rethink his ideas - and he decided to assist the Empire at the Emperor's behest, by serving as his "Hand" - an agent who answered to no one. This allowed Kegyce to do (in his mind) what he saw as his primary duty - enforcing the written Law.

Because of his budding resentment of his wife (and the other leader of the Empire) he became close to his "step-daughter". He respected her ability to survive, and so he assisted her when he could, in any manner. It was actually that resentment that served as a "bond" for them - otherwise they would have hated each other as well. As time passes, he saw the departure of the wife he never forgave, his step-daughter took on other duties, and Kegyce saw himself ousted from the Empire from a now-corrupted Council. It became apparent by this time, and some more fruitless plotting against the current leaders of the Empire - that his "position" was a joke - even morbidly so, as he was deported and killed for attempting to enforce Order.

After that, Kegyce returned to his roots - fighting alone, working alone, trusting no "allies", and making a rather large pretense at hiding his emotions. He began to expand his work to the continent itself, carrying out clandestine operations to further his goals of Order without boundaries or borders.

Interesting Notes:
Kegyce was by far an extremist, and I would even say he had some megalomania. He believed that no one could or would do what he was tasked to do, and therefore that made him an exception. He believed that his work alienated him, and that it was just a price he willingly paid for his favor. I was stretching to make this scout different from Sigurd - who was far more ally-centric. The idea of calling himself a Sigil, stemmed from his unwavering rigidity as far as the rules of the religion and the land were concerned. After the "Empire's betrayal", he started calling himself a "Spectre", with the idea that his former naivete was dead, and all that was left was a desire to succeed fueled by anger.

Kegyce also looked for reasons to pick fights with people, and he looked fairly hard. At the onset of his life, he picked fights with the Freedom clergy, because "such ideas of Freedom were a danger. The "Freedom of responsibility", the "Freedom from the commonly decided Laws wend against Order, and led to nothing but discord". Essentially, Kegyce believed in guilt until proven innocence - he believed everyone was guilty of something, and it was only a matter of time until whatever it was was uncovered. This allowed justification of excessive use of force in situations he ran into.

Kegyce liked to argue nearly as much as he liked to teach. He got a good ego trip out of teaching others (especially his enemies!) and he made a big deal about remaining on top - despite teaching others what he knew. This led him to teach Druid scouts, Light side Ainals, and even on a couple of occasions Harlies - things that he had picked up during his life. As for arguments, Kegyce was always looking to "be proved wrong". He had a core set of beliefs that were founded on a cold logic - they were things that made sense, but would "feel" wrong to lighties. He often would hold conversations with lightie priests, and paladins sharing his ideas - and most often, he would "win" an argument, with the other not quite being able to refute his claims. He wasn't infallible by far - though he did like to believe so.

Keg's main weak point was his rather health. (It was the one thing I sacrificed, because I knew I could compensate via herbs) It, as well as his boy-scout-ish philosophy about being prepared, was why he tended to stock up with enough herbs to see him through fighting alone if things didn't go as planned (and they often did!). He was occasionally the lone survivor on wasteland trips after people would do things like fireballing members of their own party - and the massive amounts of herbs he carried tended to make him unbeatable by anyone who couldn't keep him down or bashed on their own. He tended to carry nothing less than 30 cure criticals, and 15 else of anything minor he used.

The twitching! Kegyce attempted to be emotionless, and he'd rarely tell jokes (though he did employ dry humor frequently), and he never truly "smiled". The twitch thing was something I thought was cool (in my head, anyway) - the left side of his mouth would slightly twitch whenever he was amused, and it was like catching himself before he really expressed it. The right side of his mouth would twitch whenever he was annoyed. There were a few times when he out and out yelled at people in a rage, and when he did laugh and relax - but those times were few and far in between.

I would really like to see (or have seen) the religion of Ain be a religunal. It doesn't make sense to me that a clergy who enforces or Judges as a whole, can't affect the Law wherever they go. Unfortunately, the playerbase doesn't quite have the maturity or the presence to handle something like that.

Towards the end I started looking for more scout pets than the usual two everybody sees. Told people about them, too. Didn't catch on. Oh, well.

I would have liked to have seen Adepts return sometime in his life - but it didn't happen. I'm sort of sad for that, but I'm okay. I think it's a badge of success that Kegyce remained Kegyce before and after the cabal experience, and didn't need to join something else or be a part of something to validate himself.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:38 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:28 am
Posts: 1538

I loved, loved, LOVED this character. He was amazing. There was a little bit of joy in my world every time he logged in. Thanks for all the great RP. Can't wait to see what you do next.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:38 pm 
This makes me truly sad, and even knowing 5 minutes ago that this was coming doesn't make it any less so.

What a stellar character. He was a great friend, and great mentor to Stocaryn. I was fortunate to see a side of Kegyce that wasn't well known to any other characters, and he was a complete treasure. I will miss our dragon-slaying, island hopping, and Chaos fighting. I will miss Kegyce's unyielding facade, and the key to unlocking it. The story was so good, I hate to see it end.

I think you're one of SK's greats, and it's been proven from character to character over the years. Cheers, and good luck with what's to come.

- ilky

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:54 pm 

Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:21 pm
Posts: 689
Location: Savannah, GA
SK Character: Aise
:( aww man...Kegyce...every time the tournaments went on, him and Aise would always have some fun talk about some subject or another...ive known kegyce on quite a few characters actually. a shame to see him go, good times. :drunk:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:55 pm 
Mortal Philanthropist

Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:55 pm
Posts: 1330
Location: I am at one with my duality.
I will miss this character immensely. Every time he and Ali got together it brought the best out of my character. His stoic nature accentuated and was accentuated by her wily and unpredictable ways. They were polar opposites united by equally dark personalities. I always had such a great time with Kegyce around. I'm not sure what else to say. I'm not sure if anyone could do any better at executing a character concept. He definitely seemed very real and alive despite not being animated.

Good luck with your next and double if it's a darkie,


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:59 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:18 pm
Posts: 452
Absolutely awesome, and I too am sad to see him go, although we rarely interacted. I loved wandering through the Empire's swamps, pausing to look at that inevitable gorilla, and getting an impromptu - but incredible - lesson, either about scouting, or warfare, or philosophy. Even though OOCly, you intimidated the snot out of me, out of sheer presence and level of RP.

The last interaction we had reminded me so much of something out of Star Wars. The student being told by the master that she'd have to learn to be good enough to best him. I only wish that more had come of that, although Rosa never could have lived up to it.

Oh, and I always felt a bit of triumph when I got that twitch that meant he almost smiled - like a little quasi-victory over his implacable control.

Kudos! He was one of the greats. Good luck and fun with the next!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:01 pm 
Gremlin24 wrote:
He definitely seemed very real and alive despite not being animated.

When I give you that treat I promised you, you will understand how very true this statement is.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:25 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:49 pm
Posts: 497
Location: Arkansas
SK Character: Aurenna, Ceinwyn, Ceridwen
I truly liked Kegyce.
Always enjoyed all the rp.
And I loved the "twitch."

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:37 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:35 pm
Posts: 285
Location: Gergia, United States
Hate to see him go myself. I liked the character we didn't enteract much. Sterk on the other hand will be glad to hear it, all though he liked the deal the two of you last made. So good luck for the next one. :drunk:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:43 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
Never got to interact with kegyce that much. But what I saw of him is best described in two words.

Simply. Brilliant.

Good luck on your next man.

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