Shattered Kingdoms |
[PAR Sha] [FIST] Ishiye - Mediator of Emptiness, Shaman. |
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Author: | Lolth [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | [PAR Sha] [FIST] Ishiye - Mediator of Emptiness, Shaman. |
It is always difficult for me to write afterlife posts and put the essence of characters into a few lines. I wanted to go for a background story, but I think I will refrain from such, simply because I think that it'd take away from the 'magic'. Ishiye was like a book to read. Some bothered with her, others didn't. Some understood her, others just passed by her. I think this was by far my most complex character, and one with which I feel I might've managed to set a new level of RP for myself. I know I mentioned that I wanted to play her to age death, but I think that it was generally a good time for her to go, especially under the circumstances it happened. I am by no means angered, or otherwise annoyed. There are four people, who seem to stick out to me, throughout the period I was playing her and I can honestly say that without them, Ishiye would not have taken the shape and form she did. In chronological order, they are: Filliokwe: a fatherly figure to her, one to always tempt her 'other' side and a person to have had a huge impact in her internal conflicts. Chauld: ..heh, what to say about the pony? Chauld was her best friend, the person to have always been by her side, like a pillar. Their relationship was unwavering, fulfilling and I can honestly say that I have rarely had as much fun hanging out with a person as I did with you. I am really, really going to miss him. Yulig: a generally quiet person, never seemed to talk much or get himself involved in things. It was this passive stance that Ishiye found so soothing in him. Eihwaz: You know how I feel about this one. We've played together during several occasions, but this was the first character of yours that made my jaw drop literally, at the detail and effort you invested into his RP. He was in very many ways, Ishiye's better half and I would like to extend my deep appreciation to you, for enabling such wonderful interactions. Many thanks also go to the rest of the Fist and everyone I ever interacted with, both players and IMMs alike. I cannot remember a single occasion during which I did not have fun with Ishiye. Toodles! |
Author: | JeanValjean [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:39 pm ] |
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I think I can say without any doubt, that Ishiye is the most faceted, brilliant character I've seen through my years on this mud. I've never seen anyone pull off a character so intensely shaped by the interactions and experiences of her past. Absolutely brilliant character, and a beast of a tank I might add. |
Author: | Konge [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:51 pm ] |
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She will probably be unduly remembered as 'the tank' - which is a pity, because she was definitely a stroke of stellar rp. Hopefully, people will remember that aswell. She was wunderschön and her kind will be sorely missed on the lightie side of things - hopefully, the world will not erupt into bloodshed and armageddon simply because one of the primus motors behind the pervasive pseudopacifism is gone. Good luck with the next, can't wait to see it. |
Author: | Alifer [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:52 pm ] |
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Leet tank. Sweet char. thanks for the initial RPs, they were fun. Luck with next. |
Author: | Orac [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:53 pm ] |
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Did Ishiye age die? She was around for a long time. I suppose I'd say I'm one of the people who never bothered to read her. Hope I didn't miss to much. |
Author: | Threnody [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:45 pm ] |
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Rosa tried to read her, but for her, I think the pages were stuck together. =/ Or else she (Rosa) was too on-the-surface, never wanting to push where she wasn't wanted. A lot of memorable moments. I didn't get to see much beyond the surface, but I never doubted there was a lot beneath the surface, and regreted that I didn't know how to tap into it. Excellent character (no surprise ![]() |
Author: | Kin [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:53 pm ] |
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I loved Ishiye on Oso. One of the very few lighties that would RP with him and not be out for his head shortly afterwards. Thanks for the awesome RP moments, especially our talk in the orchard. That was a fun time. |
Author: | Teh_Peso [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:57 pm ] |
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![]() |
Author: | Goldlantern [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:40 pm ] |
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Come on, lemme threaten another one of yours with a kick to the stomach! Stay off my lawn, you damn kids! |
Author: | Erevan [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:48 pm ] |
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Eh? Okay. I will comment to this later... |
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