Shattered Kingdoms

Faulal - Speaker of the Antolosak
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Author:  Achernar [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Faulal - Speaker of the Antolosak

I just thought I'd post here in case anyone wanted to comment about Faulal. I deleted him because I just didn't have the spare time to play. I would always see something that needed doing as Achernar, so I deleted him before the monthly update eventually would have. No stats, he was a shaman minotaur, one of the first four or five in the game. I would like to say the first minotaur PK goes to Murdock. He killed me wordlessly in Teron thinking I was a NPC. His shock when I manifested was priceless.

Oh and the whole thing with Lathron at Everclear. Well I didn't expect any more or less from it, it basically was the end for Faulal. A tragic moment indeed. As a journeyman shaman and expert barbarian we had no chance against several GMs. Of course it was going to be a disaster.

Author:  Snuffles [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Should've pleveled to gm then. :lol:

Author:  Minette [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dulrik should have rigged the player profiles or something! For the sake of GRP it's not unreasonable for imms to play pre-mades.

In memories of Faulal wrote:
You exclaim to Faulal 'Faulal!'
Faulal looks at you.

This minotaur is a large, round figure. His skull has the shape of a
cow's head, and his body a bit larger than that of a man. He has been
mutilated on one side of his bovine face, a patch of fur is lighter and
obviously scarred. A hefty sized minotaur, he does not appear extremely
strong, as bulky.
Overall, Faulal is in excellent condition.

Faulal is using:
<worn on hooves> a pair of mithril horseshoes (brand new)

Faulal sighs.
You ask to Faulal 'Will you still be able to defeat Dyasha?'
Tatsuya asks to Faulal 'Feeling better there mister horns?'
Faulal says 'I'm not sure what I can do.'
You could probably kill Faulal naked.
You say to Faulal 'You could become really strong, like, Benjamins.'
Faulal asks 'How do I do that?'
You ask to Faulal 'What's your favorite weapon, champ?'
Faulal shrugs.
Faulal says 'Whatever is good for shaman I guess.'
You say to Faulal 'Want to come with us to Grahme's? It's just at the Docks.'

Thanks for doing the RP for minotaurs to be put in, it was fun. The events brought more RP into SK. I'm still not sure what to make of Lathron one shotting Slayne in the cohort of so many bodyguards. Hmm. Good show. Looking forward to more.

Author:  Orac [ Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I never met the character but I've been on the recieving end of a few "imm premade" rampages. Everywhere from the Iron Citadel to Sith a' niel and lots of other places too. I'm not anti imm or anything it's just interesting to see the tables switch up every once in a while.

As for the char, I never met him but I have met a lot this "players" characters there good stuff, probably a shame you couldn't keep on with him.

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