Shattered Kingdoms has been around for almost 30 years at this point and while new players to muds are a rare occurrence, we do get plenty of returning players and existing players that either ignore or profess ignorance to the rules.
The message of the day reminds players to read and understand help rules on every login, and that's on top of the rules and terms of service reminders that happen during every character creation. There is zero reason for any player to be unaware of the rules, and if I'm being honest the vast majority of rules violations are from players entirely aware of the rules they are violating, and are not so rarely even encouraging others to purposefully violate as well.
Enough is enough. The volunteers who give their time and energy to help maintain this space for play, and the remaining players that respect that effort and their fellow players time deserve better.
The player of Groot/Cordellia/et al was found to be purposefully multiplaying, including grouping multiple characters together for easier leveling. While the punishment was forfeiture of a few characters, this was only the initial infraction and the poor behavior has continued since then with lots of OOC communication in-game approaching harassment, multiple RP violations, and apparently still a complete refusal to familiarize themselves with the various rules of the game.
That player is now being removed from the game, and this removal should stand as a reminder to all players that you're free to remove yourself from the game at any time, but you will be expected to follow the rules and not encourage others to do differently while you're here, or you will no longer be welcome yourself.