I think that there should have been some IC business that happened from the CoN to inform Earl that he needed to resolve the war or there would be a change in leadership. Just like if The Emperor would have come to me and said 'your soldiers are getting discouraged. I grant you the permission to see an end to this war by any means nessicary' it would have made me more inclined to accept a truce. (even though I tried to accept probably five truces. none of which worked out)
Everyone is being too harsh on Eralenax. Nobody has the ImmView that the imms have. But even they can't watch what he does 24/7. What if he was on the verge of getting a solid group of allies together to combat the harlies? What if he was finally getting to the point to put up a resistance? There needs to be IC passing of the situation before he is ninja removed from leadership. this would have given him a chance to plead his case.
Sure, the amount of time he had to play might not have been sufficient for a war on the size of this one. But take it up with him IC. I'm guessing that this is the main reason he's PO'd.
Someone in one of our afterlife threads said something about the harlies having 30-something active topics in their cabal forum. I was under the impression that Ic info was supposed to be passed along IC. Is this not the case? Because to me it seems like that is breaking the rules of info sharing. Could I have sent a text message to Boirnjolf to tell him that i needed him to give the harlies pardons? Because that is one reason why one of our truces didn't work out. I was unable to find him IC to give him the order. If a text isn't allowed, could I have posted it to our forums? Is this behavior now being encouraged?
I think there should be some sort of 'victory' or 'defeat' requirements that are built into the game. There could be a couple of requirements that have to be fulfilled before a group is actually considered to be 'defeated.' Keep a coded count of how many times an 'enemy formation' has got the killing blow on a PC of a faction they are at war with. Keep a count of how many lawmobs have been killed by an enemy formation. Keep a timer on how long a relic has been held. These sorts of things could probably be easily implemented and would give undenyable proof that an enemy faction has been defeated. Increment the requirements based on how long the war has been going on (20 kills per month and 50 NPCs per month). or something like that.
As for this afterlife thread:
I really liked Eralenax. His RP was very unique and his emotes always created an great image. "Paces the room wringing his hands in frustration." I can see him doing that. It was awesome. He was always willing to help and the way he talked was always entertaining.
"It has the condolences of Trosis."
I hope you do eventually make it back to SK. Take care man and if you do come back, remember: Don't feed the trolls.