Baldric wrote:
Nerina is supposed to be more neutral than Exile. It's a lightie/grey city. When MC and Talons were fighting, it was like Aldric was totally exempt. The level of aid and c-jerking that Aldric and Emet did to each other was astonishing. Nose was banished immediately just because he didn't like her. I don't mind if Emet was BFF with every darkie in the realms, but to pick and choose between them? To banish people from Nerina for no good reason and then shower presents and love onto Aldric? Didn't make sense for a Dulrik priest.
This really ticks me off. I don't want to get into each character's backstory, or the specific rp that led to a friendship between Emet and Aldric, but please, stfu with your accusations of "c-jerking." The RP was legit and developed before there was ever any ooc contact between the players.
As for Emet: Good character with consistent rp. Good luck with the next.
Listen, I love Aldric and there's nothing personal when I say that. Like I said, I don't care which lightie befriends which darkie (I'm one to talk) but be consistent with it. There's no reason that when the MC and Talons are at war that Emet should give you a free pass while he banishes other darkies and gives every other MCer hell. This isn't your fault, it's his.
C-jerking mostly refers to what you both did in the Hero's competition, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. Him more than you.
I never thought for a second it was about OOC contact - in fact, and I seem to be the only one here - I've never experienced or heard of Gilgon's apparent OOC knowledge/cheating, except that once he told me that he "knew" I was a Druid because I sat in an inn with other Druids... which, frankly, anyone knows my character just pretty much sits in inns period, no matter who is there.
Didn't see that you knew each other IRL until just now... that had nothing to do with it