Terrus wrote:
Newblet wrote:
Does the one who use to play Seydion(sp?) still around? He was a Paladin of Xandrennus I do believe.
I remember a swashbuckler of the Hammer named Sidon, he followed Xandrennus too I think. He was the brother of a friend of mine whose SK alias eludes me.
I played Sidon (not Seydon)
- scrupulous half-elf swashbuckler
- leader of the Hammer of Light after Kiev St. Croix died
- high follower of Rishivel (not Xandrennus).
My brother (since Terrus mentioned that) was Stryfore. He was an elf sorceror, I believe.
My best friend and college roomate was Alden Adarius, human hellion, and leader of the Midnight Council.
Yes, we played across the room from each other. No, we never shared IC info.
Made for fun RP though, like when Sidon deathmarked Alden for threatening to bring a plague to Exile.
In revenge Alden deathmarked the entire Hammer roster and some big battles ensued.
It culminated with the duel between Fayne Dannerson (Sidon's second-in-command in the Hammer) and Alden.
I haven't played in about 10 years (since Sidon died of old age).
I do like occasionally read these crazy forums though.
Maybe one day I'll pop back in and get completely blown away by how different the game is today.