Edoras wrote:
I never should have inducted Elaiu from an IC perspective, as in our very first "trial" run where I took him into Sith'a'niel he teleported out for absolutely no reason and we lost our battle because his charm fled out (I didn't notice this at the time because I was dirt kicked.) On top of that, some times when I tried to give Elaiu advice ICly (Which he so sorely needed), even if that advice was requested by Elaiu specifically, it was like I was talking to a brick wall. One time, he asked me where to find a certain magical item, so I told him what I knew. Then he asked me the same exact question some time later, and I told him the same thing. Finally about 2 or more weeks later he started talking about how he finally found where to get the magical item he was looking for. In general, I never trusted Elaiu in PvP or PvE, because I could tell he was inexperienced and lacked the humility to learn, whether that had OOC or IC motivations. Having to switch from Ealuriel to Elaiu was extremely painful, if not downright torturous.
From an OOC perspective, you really played Elaiu poorly from a mechanics standpoint. It's one thing to have a character concept and RP, but it's another thing to not know your butt from your face when it comes to playing a sorc. Running around without mirror images and/or in the front row was something that Elaiu was more likely to do than have up proper defenses as a sorcerer. Now, such deadly mistakes are understandable maybe once, -perhaps- twice as a new sorc player, but you did them all. the. time, and you never correctly handled anyone's advice ICly from the MC or OOCly from the infamous log site. Instead, when given constructive criticism, you would lash out in anger at those who are willing to spend their time giving you advice. As a result you died a lot, which as a sorc is pretty telling. Without the humility to admit and learn from your own mistakes, you won't get very far in SK.
If level is not a requirement to a faction, pvp skillz shouldn't be either IMO. That's kind of elitist. Even the crappiest thick skulled in pvp player should get inducted just as easily as a vet. Sometimes it takes multiple characters in multiple factions over time to learn anything. Character concept should be the only requirement. Now, the fact that he was a Thubanite might be a good reason not to induct him.