Oh, sorry, too much jargon.
I'm just comparing the ways that Certain Spell winds up being used to the typical trolling activities of modern-day internet users: for example, the Habbo Hotel or Otakon raids, wherein a large swath of people in fake suits and afros go and swarm a place with sheer numbers and anonymity. Then, on the other of the MUD curtain, we have people getting caught up and dying in what look like loot grab runs and, of course, the whole besieging thing that's come up before, recently.
Death happens, and you have to accept anything if you want to enjoy an "anything goes" game, but I was thinking about how most of the disenfranchised people seem to be victims of related flavors of MUD fare.
On the internet community the infamous /b/ is part of, these "raid" activities and the newbie-like people who conduct them with neither elegance nor eloquence are often called "the cancer that is killing /b/," along with, well, anything the poster doesn't quite like. Its not really high-browed enough to warrant an explanation, but I hope I was able to make sense of it for ya.
One of the rallying cries of those raiders goes something like "because none of us is as cruel as all of us."
I guess grief-causing Spells and Skills are a great way to promote CRS, though?