Liri wrote:
Fountain roleplay is great, but PK roleplay is great too. If ALL you do is sit around the Inn all day, what will you have to talk about?
I built a char that pretty much did just that, with a bit of important stuff on the side. I had a blast and the inn was hopping anytime I was on.
I had this 7-paragraph analysis written up but chose to get rid of it. Which side of your brain you live in will determine whether you are beauty-oriented (rp) or goal-oriented (pk and power). If you're goal-oriented, the likelihood is high that your RL alignment will determine how much beauty you force-feed yourself.
I do have to say "roleplay" as a creature on SK is a mere shell of its former self. I agree positive reinforcement is more desirable than negative reinforcement but the negative is rarely seen while definitely necessary.