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 Post subject: Re: Pobop/Jumei
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:23 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
gergi wrote:
Algorab wrote:
Just as a heads up for anyone wanting to know about the "hoarding reports via form" and to let people realize we/I do go over them. I spoke with this player after the reports, back in June, but it was a single report of hoarding using a single weapon as the example. It was more of a complaint over someones usage of the request command then an actual complaint about hoarding. There WAS another report, but it was not about hoarding, instead it was a complaint that someone had enlightened a character they had interacted with.

I won't go into any more detail than that, mostly because I like to keep the reports I get between the people who made them, the staff, and the people who received a complaint about their actions. I don't have any issue with anyone reporting something they believe to be an issue, but unless a serious infraction has taken place where a significant punishment is required it isn't going to be posted on these forums. It's not about naming and shaming, but about correcting the behavior that can actually be a problem. Believe it or not, that is often more easily done with a brief chat in my office. That's not to say curses and more serious punishments don't happen, but for most infractions they aren't even on the table until a discussion has taken place to clarify the situation.

Hopefully this helps anyone that has questions on the topic, and if you want to discuss this, or any other issue further feel free to PM me, or report any issues via the form gergi was referring to.

Thanks for all your time and effort spent with us gergi, and you're of course welcome to return at any time.


Okay. So, you're saying I reported someone and you didn't investigate because the evidence wasn't substantial enough to warrant it. I can't give you a list of items when the character in question logs in once a month and only stays on when I'm on a character that cannot locate. That is the point of hoarding and the reason I reported it. They're not on for players to be able to locate stuff. That sounds like something a staff member would have to do, but I don't know what kind of interface you're working with. I don't know if you can look at someones gear when they're offline. Either way, you should have investigated and you would have easily determined that he was in fact hoarding.

You have less than 10 players so it's not hard to figure out who I reported. I reported <REDACTED> for giving my character an enlightenment after our only interaction was one tell and one reply. "Can you mentor me?" and "No, I'm busy". Furthermore, I've asked on multiple occasion to be removed from the potential paragon list because the lack of transparency. Why can't I have a command to show me who I've given rewards to? The last time I asked, some staff member responded in a condescending tone and said I should be able to keep track. That's stupid when you have multiple characters who get paragon by default through logging the minimum hours to keep loot and don't want the flag in the first place because of the lack of the aforementioned command. Why? Because it leaves you open to the selective punishment of the staff on the basis of abusing the paragon system.

Speaking of which, is misusing request not a punishable offense moving forward? Since you didn't think it was worth investigating with <REDACTED>. Or is that part of the selective enforcement of rules? In any case, I probably used a false e-mail for my follow-up reports through the forums due to the inaction as you previously stated. Why wouldn't I? I'm just sending reports to your trash can so it doesn't matter where the return address is.

And yes, we also spoke after I started actually using the form to report actual offenses, and you responded with a Dr.Phil-esque inquiry about my mental health or something. I entertained it because I thought maybe there was a chance you'd care about the poor state of the game, and I'm not talking about the decline in player count, but rather the quality of RP. Taslamar-Empire alliance to explore the grey wastes? What a bunch of great paragons and heroes our rich lore has produced. But it's okay, I get it, you're working on the next big thing in the grey wastes. Makes sense with our abundance of players willing to explore that area.

And no, I'm not thinking of returning to the game. I just found it hilarious that you'd respond like that. "He reported something, but it wasn't worth investigating, so I'm not sure what he's talking about reports being useless?" Good luck to the players. It's quite obvious they are just making things up as they go.

Edit: And why are you sharing the details of my private communication to the staff while reporting violations? Please ban yourself. lul

I won't be addressing this line by line, mostly because I originally replied because I felt it was a good opportunity to educate people about how the reporting process actually works. Some concerns are raised in this post, albeit in a less than constructive manner, so I'll address them as best as I can.

Some of the broad details of gergi's reports were shared because they misrepresented what they were in an open forum. With that in mind, I still tried, and will try, to limit what I need to divulge when it comes to once private communication, but sadly any expectation of privacy is damaged when the other party decides to break that pact first, and is made worse when it isn't even a remotely accurate account.

Gergi is correct, I inquired about how he was doing, and if there was anything else bothering him as the number of reports and prayers he made over a short time period, and the fact that after initial investigation all of them seemed very spurious. When a player reports things that don't appear to be rules violations, we have evidence against the report, or an investigation finds nothing wrong, it can be a reason to look deeper at the situation and see if there is an underlying reason for the reports. For example, in the past there have been occasions where players disliked other players, disliked another players RP, or were upset about the way they were treated in PvP, and the players who felt victimized attempted to use reports to the staff to cause their rivals problems, and/or level the playing field. I am all for a game where everyone follows the rules, and people play to have fun, but I don't think it's ever acceptable for players to use the staff and/or rules complaints to try and inflict some form of retribution. I/We still have to look into these reports regardless of the reason they were made, and regardless of who made them, but if we're receiving a lot of false reports, it's better to find out why then just turn a blind eye.

So, Gergi's reports, despite his current claims, were investigated. They did not resemble what they initially described in their forum post, so I described them more accurately for the people that were interested as a learning opportunity on the report process. I thought this was a better solution than moderating their post. Both reports were found to have a lack of evidence supporting the claims, and were dealt with accordingly. Gergi was spoken with in an attempt to find out if there was a larger underlying reason for his reports so if there was, we could attempt to resolve it together.

If a report is made, it will be investigated. If the reports being made are investigated, cleared, and seem to be specious, the individuals making the reports will likely receive some communication from staff to try and figure out why reports are being made that can't be substantiated, and try to resolve those reasons. That can be anything from educating someone on how to set up logging in their client, all the way to trying to mediate enough to keep OOC disagreements from leaking IC.

TLDR: None of Gergi's reports were valid and due to multiple questionable reports being made, and a general sense of agitation, they were briefly questioned to make sure they were doing alright, and that there weren't any other actual issues that I could assist with. While they had other issues, like disliking the RP of other players, none were anything I was able to address for them as RM.

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