dufelt wrote:
Oh wait, one more laugh at your expense ... wishing to remain anonymous ... by creating a forum account in the same name as your character. Priceless.
What I mean, is that I try to remain anonymous from the other characters I've played, since I've been with the mud for several years, so that people can take them for what they are, instead of viewing them through the lens of "What's-its-face's-sorceror." Derpity derp.
Trag, I looked at you, in an inn. You looked at me. Some people I was travelling with had a brief conversation with you, we didn't speak.
This isn't background roleplay for a PK.
You may be able to invent a fleshed out "character" in your mind whose personality, independent from your own in some devilish detail, compels him to go around randomly killing people, because of XYZ in his childhood. While this technically doesn't fail to represent a character, it will still frequently be seen as a shallow vessel for your own bored, violent whims.
Kind of like Rokki, back in the day, whose "character concept" was randomly mode stun backstabbing people and stealing things he didn't want or need, just to see if he could. While people like that clearly exist in the spectrum of human psychology, as acutely evidenced by you, Trag, and the part of the mud you represent, that doesn't keep us from seeing your roleplay as the bound and gagged servant to your desire to go beat the crap out of things.
And stop calling my griffon a he. Though it shows just how much attention you pay to such frivolously PK-unaffecting things before you go a'dorking.