Which character of yours do you miss the most? Quintana Half-elf warlock
Why? She was probably the most well thought out character I've made to date and was one of my best role-played, imo.
Which character of yours do you miss the least? Alioh Sprite Swashie
Why? Don't get me wrong, I found him fun, but lightie Peacekeeper is WAY out of my comfort range.
Which character do you wish you didn't delete quite yet? Levitus Human Merc
Why? I liked the character and I would've liked to keep him, but events of his life removed that as a possibility.
Which character do you feel most represents you? Shiera Human Merc
Why? In most ways, she is a female version of my self, mainly in her ability to just fit in. She doesn't have enemies that she knows of, and I hope it stays that way.
What character do you feel most apart from? Sanguinarious Centaur Warlock
Why? I'm not entirely sure. Out of all of my characters, I felt anytime he interacted with someone, something was forced.