Holy hell! I feel like someone just punched me in the solar plexis. I'm winded
OVT has always been around. He always there to hate, to [REDACTED] at, to mock, but he was always ovt. He was another player. He was one of the SK community. The very idea that he killed himself frightens me because if it was at all SK related I will feel terrible.
I have said this many times to many people. OVT was luny. He was crazy and he was "[REDACTED]" to quote myself. I didn't want to be this right. I always said how messed up he was. I just hope hope hope to God that I never got into his head with insults or anything. I really felt I got a read on this guy and I really hope it's just my ego, but I just knew this guy was screwed. I should have cut him slack.
I feel terrible, I'll never get that chance to make it up to him all the times I cursed him out or called him a [REDACTED] nutcase. Or told people I thought he was crazy. Wasn't his avatar on one of the old sk sites for logs him with an AK-47?
Please let us know how he died. I hope it's an accident of some sort and not a suicide. There were so many signs that he was troubled, it never even occured to me to try to help him out. I just tried to run him off and keep him away from me.
I am really and genuinely hurt by this after life post.
Edit: I was at my worst with him when he was Rennidius Lavenport and I was Dwallstrom. I just tortured him. I tried to ruin everything he did. Made him flee, I killed him, I mocked him. I crossed the line from fun and games as harlequin to mean and spiteful as a player so much that I just think I'm going to puke.