Coya wrote:
I hate to also point out, that if indeed he told someone he was going after you for a bow, then indeed there was some form of RP. Just because you were not present when it happened, does not mean it did not happen at all. Thank you for proving yourself wrong.
Peso is heavy into the 'assumed' RP, which has it's flaws, but is obviously accepted. If you are part of any faction/religion that he was currently at war with, then a kill is warranted. He assumes that you would expect that. Nothing further is required.
I am not saying I do it, and I am not saying I agree with it. But I have seen Peso give out EQ like it is candy, and ask nothing in return. I find it hard to believe you were PKed for only your bow, and without reason.
Have fun choking on the flag.
Well, the character is not a part of a faction. Is not a part of a religion. It was an attempted PK just for the bow. Simple as that. One bow without being a part of any organization be it RPed, hard coded or religion. Without ever meeting the character ahead of time. The guy who gave me the bow said that Divalni was looking for the bow, and all I thought, IC and OOC was who the hell is that. And by "looking for the bow" it does not imply "Will hunt you down aggressively to kill you on sight just for a bow". Not one single word had been exchanged between the two characters in the entire time Divalni existed, though our paths crossed a few times without so much as a look at each other.