I knew it was coming, but jeez.
I had a lot of fun RPing with Slayney waney as Maylu, even when he didn't know about it
. I specifically remember a few times I really liked Mimic because of him.
Now that you can't cleave me, I can admit how hilarious it was when a priest was trying to join your ranks and I had mimiced you. He went on and on about how great he was until 'Slayne' asked "Yes, but can you play the lute?".
Then there was Slayney Waney's debt to the tavern [REDACTED] of Uxmal....
You were a good sport during all May's pestering.
You made the MC really fun and my MC's loyalty and admiration to her Emperor was palpable.
It's a pity to see such a good character go. Thanks for all the fun.
Good luck on your next... Gonna make another 'huamn'?
(Edit: Great back story. Sounds like the story of a true hero, or I suppose in this case, true villain..)