guyute_78 wrote:
Some will be blank, I will fill them in later but my memory has been bad of late. Most of these are old old
List of classes as follows:
Mercenary: ______ / Desmon, Quark, Kragers merc
Barbarian: ______ / Hanney, Gromm (there would have never been a dagum without him)
Swashbuckler: ______ / Yopparai, Arbalon, Pequlyar
Priest: Krager / Sarkazein, Random, others to be sure
Shaman: ______ / ______
Paladin: ______ / Pilcester, Fayne, some good old ones I cant remember
Hellion: Benjamin, Slayne, others / Elhannon (sp?)
Rogue: ______ / Cyndre, Eliro, Wonka (for hilarity with the soulcutter)
Scout: ______ / ______
Bard: ______ / ______
Sorcerer: ______ / Talinth, Magus, Damacon
Warlock: ______ / Delhenan (ya its me but I cant remember any others), some drow I dont remember, starts with R
Necromancer: ______ / Ralhn, Jadow (I love myself I guess), Darken, Delear
God(originals): Xareth, Yenko, Dreddnahr.. others as well
Actually kinda funny that since you listed Jadow, Ralhn, Damacon and left out Mortifair....their mistress.
Also could have sworn that Wonka was a sorceror, was a sprite also?