[--- ---] Orinal Lightwing, Priest of the Silver Dragon.
[Elf Mer] Katan, Champion of Idiocy
[--- ---] Cardesh Gerguon, humble warrior of Taslamar
[--- ---] Carew Furinax, apprentice to Delke Sharilar
[--- ---] Lecivious Lockenheart, Entertainer to the House of D'Adrae
[--- ---] Raphine, emerging from the desert.
[Hum ---] Coya The Kind and Honest Warrior
[--- ---] Eamonn MacCormac, Strongarm of the S'hochi
[--- ---] Gaven Seeking that which is not understood
[Hum ---] Laycee Kraymann, Young apprentice to a skilled Mage
[--- ---] Rebbeca of Eternity
[--- ---] Leaion Fierce Witch Doctor
[Hum Sor] [None] Cyris Caines, Wolf of the Twilight.
[--- ---] Hechicero the seeker of knowledge
[--- ---] Narzon tiny stufflord of Yigg
[Hum ---] Delke Sharilar. Kind and Gentle Spirit.
[--- ---] Ecliacas the clueless newbie
[--- ---] Aquianis Star - Honorable Lieutenant to the Hammer of Light
[--- ---] Rynn Smallfeather, Hammer of Fire
[--- ---] Micaela Asiya Si'andra, One who Heals, Acolyte of Isam.
[HEl ---] Galstan - Priest of Fate
[--- ---] Kovu Evans
[--- ---] Cenapa Thorn.
[--- ---] Natowin warrior of the elements
[--- ---] Ghelden Halsquin
[--- ---] Elervin Swiftfoot, Nature's Curiosity
[--- ---] Welverin, Dark storm.
[HEl ---] Auburgine, Bladeswoman of the Minx
[Gri ---] Telyn Anevar
[--- ---] Daenan, Noviciate of the Pen
[Hal ---] Ayses - Monk to the Open Gauntlet
[--- ---] Tiffa Valke, ever-changing pixie of Nada
One of many I have.