Don't get me wrong Lolth but you sound like the biggest hypocrite.
My advice to you, if you want to take it, is to get off the 'leet-bandwagon'.
You yourself might just be the leader of that bandwagon, You were one of the people to log off when about to be pked. Which by the way should be a curseable offense but I didn't want to tell everyone.
You honestly want to pull out the "YOU DIE ALOT N00B" card? People that claim to have a spotless death record never do anything worth while in fear they will risk their loot. The people that have these spotless record only go out to PK in huge groups.
As for everyone else that had nothing but bad things to say, It pains me to say I'm actually fond of you all and care about your opinions.
Except OA, he has nothing nice to say
I'm just kidding OA, I value everyone's opinion but I think everyone has gone through there loot phase, And if you haven't then why is there absolutley no loot to be found?